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No, I did not die.

There are a few things I would like to discuss in this announcement but firstly...

60 freaking thousand reads are you kidding me?!!!!!!!!

You cannot believe the shock when after 2 years from me first publishing this story at the age of 16 and saw there were 60K of you guys that had decided to join this journey with me. There are not enough words in the world to describe how grateful I am for all of you.

 Now, onto the important questions you guys may have...

1. Where the fuck did you go?

Life. That is the most simple answer. Things happened, I grew up and slowly did lose interest in writing this story as I realized quickly I moved things on too quickly with the characters and I was hitting major writers block constantly. I am now in University, in my dorm and this book randomly popped into my head again, decided to see if I could remember my log in details and voila!

2. Will you be continuing this story?

So guys, here's the script. We have 2 options here and I 100% want you guys involved in what we decide to do here...

Option 1. 

I would be happy to finish this story but in order for that to happen I would really rather rewrite it. I am a lot older now and my writing skills have grown with age. There isn't a single chapter of my book that doesn't make me want to cringe and die to put it lightly. I would want to start the story probably back in Hogwarts though so to be honest it might as well be a completely different book.

Option 2.

 I start a new book. I am totally up for starting something completely fresh (Harry Potter theme or not) I would be really interested in seeing which universe and ships you guys would be interested in reading about (Harry Potter probably the one I am most confident with though, please bare in mind ;))

3. How do we know you wont quit on us half way through a story again you bitch? :)

I literally am in uni 2 days a week right now. I sit on my arse and watch tiktok most of the time now. I couldn't have more free time if I tried. Obviously I will have exams next year which take priority but we will cross that bridge when we get there. I honestly have just been reading your guys' comments and on the phone to my boyfriend and sister for the past hour telling them about this and how in shock I am and they have both encouraged me to give this another go. Also, opening up a bit now guys lets get emosh. Mentally I have been in the gutter. I've moved away from home and it's not been the easiest with family issues going on aswell. Reading and writing has always been a little escape for me and I really think this would be a good thing for me to do aswell.

So guys, what do you say? 

Please leave your opinions and questions below. 

I've missed you. 

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