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My body ached as I laid on the bed. Fuck! It hurts. As I pulled myself to check on my wounds, a gasp left my mouth as some blood stains were on the bed sheet.

I'll have to treat my wounds. Dragging myself to Washroom and  I stripped. The makeup is long gone and is kinda mixed with the blood. The only thing I am worried is it'll get infected. Guess I'll have to check it out to the nurse in the school.

"Yoongi!" I heard the door banged.

"Yes, Hyung" I answered not wanting them to suspect that something is wrong.

"We need to have a talk" Jungkook Hyung says from the other side of the door. I yelled a yes and quickly slipped into my clothes.

"Yes?" I asked as both my brothers were sitting on the bed.

"We brought you some meds for your headache" Tae Hyung said. I tugged the hem of my sleeves, feeling bad that I had to lie about the headache but it's true that I was hurting.

"Oh o-k thanks" I mumbled and took the medicines.

"Are you sure you fine?" Jungkook Hyung asked as I nodded hesitating a bit.

They both gave me the looks and finally were out of the room. Pheww! I wasn't caught.


A message popped on my phone from an unknown number.

Opening it, I freezed.

"Hey what's up? How you doing? Son"

"Mom? Dad?"

"Shh faggot! Don't call us that"
My heart ached as they I read the message.

They still hate me and will probably do till my last breath. I switched off the phone after reading more hateful words. I couldn't take it anymore. Why do they have to contact me when they clearly just wanted to hurt me.

A tear slipped through my eyes as I remembered I am not accepted by my own parents, they hate me.

Hey! Why don't you do it to calm yourself. You know it works.

Yep it does work, everytime. I agreed to my inner voice and took the small metallic thing from my drawer and slit on my wrist. It gave me the pleasure I craved for long. I held myself back for most 2 months. Long right?

Blood flowed down my arms and dropped on the floor. I smiled to myself.

Great work! Yoongi. You are doing right. Keep doing this, you have to pay for your parents hating you and you being a burden to your brothers

Yes! You right.


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Byeee 👋🏻

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