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Ch. 12: You're a little scary

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Spurred by the silence, Knox reached for Anthony's hand and, as Knox sat against his desk, he pulled Anthony up to his feet. Anthony landed right against Knox's chest with Knox's arm securely behind his waist, putting Anthony right where Knox wanted him, encompassed in his strong arms. Everything outside of this office disappeared.

Knox's beautiful face made Anthony forget all about titles and pomp and circumstance. Right here as Anthony clung to Knox, they were just two men in the world who shared a similar idea.

With a whisper, Knox brought his lips close to Anthony's ears, awakening thousands of goosebumps across Anthony's body. "Or... are you not thinking about the blood? Are you thinking about something else?" He had that pretentious look in his eyes, like he knew absolutely everything, like he could predict Anthony's next move. "Sounds like you're looking forward to more than just blood."

Flushed to his toes, Anthony lifted his chin, challenging the future king back. Lazily, Anthony rested his hand against Knox's neck as he played with the ends of his hair. "I don't know what you mean, your highness. What? Are you too shy to say we got each other off? Don't pretend you've never gotten a hand job before."

Knox shrugged a little with that smile again. "Not while getting bitten," he said and undid the top of his shirt buttons. "I have to admit, and not by you."

Anthony licked his lips, grabbing at the ends of Knox's hair. Something monstrous took Anthony over in that moment. Their silly littles jokes, and flirting could wait. Anthony's dry throat demanded action. Practically drooling, Anthony's fangs extended as his stomach growled in anticipation. Anthony had a whiff of Knox and that sweet, cookies right out of the oven kind of aroma. As he sunk into Knox's neck, Anthony was rewarded with something that tasted even better. Anthony trembled from the sweetness that was turning his brain into mush.

Knox's blood spilled down Anthony's throat and its power worked fast, like a champagne bottle cut from the neck and the bubbles covered Anthony in this tickling, fizzing feeling. He jumped headfirst into a full bottle, drowning in Knox. Knox's hands gripped Anthony's waist, a small moan on his lips. Anthony lapped up Knox's wound, dragging his tongue up Knox's neck, and the future king shivered. A thrill tickled Anthony's senses, and he did it again, with Knox digging his fingers into Anthony's hips. This neediness went straight to Anthony's crotch, and he fidgeted against the growing tightness, the wetness forming there.

This only made Anthony's stomach grow. Anthony's teeth grazed higher up Knox's neck, teasing the skin there as his hand fanned over Knox's chest. His fingertips brushed over his shirt, teasing the nipple just on the other side of that thin fabric. Anthony's hand explored further down into more dangerous regions, grabbing the growing bulge inside Knox's pants.

Anthony smiled. "I think you're the one who was anticipating more."

"You asked for it," Knox grunted and popped off the desk, back on his feet as he grabbed the back of Anthony's legs and hiked him up. Instinctively, Anthony wrapped his legs around Knox's waist. A hitch breath jumped off his lips as his crotch pressed into Knox's body. He unconsciously leaned into it. The shock didn't wear off until Anthony's back hit Knox's couch. Knox knocked over the stack of books at the end, giving Anthony's head room to lie down.

Anthony laughed. "But what happened to we don't have time—"

Before he could finish, Knox's hand slid past Anthony's jaw, cradling his face as Knox swooped down and kissed Anthony. Anthony's eyes widened. Knox just kissed him. Knox was using his other hand to run through Anthony's hair. Knox just kissed him. There was still blood on Anthony's lips, but still... Knox kissed him.

Using his thumb, Knox pushed Anthony's chin down and widened Anthony's mouth enough for Knox to kiss him again, deeper and sweeter. He stole Anthony's breath away, choosing to completely destroy him instead of giving the usual kiss of life. A surprised noise hummed in Anthony's throat as Knox's head tilted, sucking in Anthony's bottom lip. A thrill whirled its way through Anthony's body, making his toes curl.

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