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Ch. 3: Don't Tell Dante

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There was nothing Anthony hated more than overpriced secondhand clothes, people that pretended to be your friend, and especially surprises. Anthony loathed being blindsided. His parents never threw Anthony a surprise party. During the holidays and for birthdays, his siblings typically spoiled what they bought him as a gift, if it wasn't something Anthony personally requested. He had his lists, his plans, and schedules. There was a document on Anthony's phone with detailed addresses, numbers, and important facts about the people Anthony had met in the wild.

Knox Lavigne calling without warning was like the estate collapsing on top of him. It was the last thing that he expected but could happen.

"Hello? Anthony?" Knox repeated himself and goosebumps trickled up and down Anthony's neck as the panic snapped him out of his daze.

"Hello?" Anthony echoed, pretending to be confused. "Hello? I'm sorry you're breaking up," Anthony lied, flinching at his own cringey excuse. If Knox thought he was an idiot by the end of the day, Anthony wouldn't blame him at all.


Anthony hung up and held his breath. He didn't move as if Knox would be able to see him on the other side if he moved. Mind racing, Anthony had a thousand questions, zero answers, and very little time. Anthony just wanted to be prepared for a minute without getting hit with something new and unexpected.

Taking his phone, Anthony walked out onto the balcony for some fresh evening air. On some nights, it was a black abyss out there, but the full moon outside glittered off the top of the sea right below the cliffs. Waves crashed into the neighboring cliffs. Anthony leaned against the marble railing, looking out at it all.

Anthony called the only person in the world that has never given him any trouble. Phoebe Easton. A professional friend to the old and usually unlikable by the young. She was hired to be someone's plus-one, or even just go out to lunch. Her regular relationship with the Baroness Helen, an ancient woman ready to give everything to Phoebe when she dies. They're very much in love, if anyone asks Anthony.

"Hello, Anthony," Phoebe answered. Violin music played in the background among a low hum of some polite chatter. Another party. She was working tonight "It's peculiar for you to call me without an appointment. To what do I owe the honor?"

"I don't have very much time," Anthony insisted, hoping she'd take a cue from the panic in his voice. "I need information from you, but you can't ask me any questions and I won't provide you any context... for now."

"Sounds thrilling." She chuckled. Her voice was smoother than butter on biscuits, dryer than wine. So cozy Anthony could fall asleep to her voice. "I do love to talk. What do you need to know?"

"Tell me everything you know about Knox Lavigne." Saying it out loud made Anthony flush, the burn sizzling at the tops of his cheeks. "Again, you can't ask me why."

"I heard you. I'm already very good at taking directions. Imagine if you paid me. Let's see..." She paused and quietly, Anthony could make out Phoebe asking for another drink and thanking someone. "He's a Capricorn. Born sometime in the 60s, but I'm not sure the specific year. 6'2. Physically fit, but for a vampire, are we surprised? Blonde hair. Blue eyes. While their family roots derive from France, their coven shifted to the Americas."

"He was born to Johanna Hatton and Victor Lavigne. An only child. They were an arranged marriage but do seem to get along quite well. Some would say Knox is a momma's boy, especially after Victor passed away. It didn't cause an uproar in the coven, Johanna has always been the Queen."

Anthony made a face, but after thinking about it for an extra second, if his mother was still alive he'd probably be the same.

Phoebe went on, "Not many romantic affairs to report. At least nothing to note. They're giving me the impression they were political. With the exception of Flynn Kline, but that ended because as you know, Knox became engaged to Nino Ventura a few summers ago."

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