His Damsel In Distress

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Visibly beaming with joy, I and Turner return to our squad, which already gets ready to depart. Stiles is first to spot us but frowns at the sight of me and his commander holding hands. Yet, Turner doesn't even think of letting go of my hand. Luckily, Daniels comes in time and throwing his arm around his buddy's neck, he distracts Stiles by asking: ''Stiles, you have dirty glasses, you know?''

''But I've just cleaned them.''

''Not good enough. If you don't fix it, you might see things. What if, for example, you mistake Pierson for a kraut, huh?'' Daniels winks knowingly at me as he drags Stiles away, leaving me and Turner alone.

''Turner, won't it be a problem if soldiers start talking about us? I don't want you to get in trouble because of me.''

''Believe me, boys have much more serious things to take care of right now than gossips. Maybe besides Pierson but the rest won't dare to bother you. I know because I trained them to be good soldiers.'' His bright smile somehow calms me down. ''And you can call me Joseph.''

''Sure, Joseph...'' - I reply shyly.

For the next mission, Turner has regrouped his forces in two groups and again Pierson is not going with us just like my friends who will have to bear his mood swings alone. My team has set off first toward the main square to begin encircling the enemy's stronghold and now we're strolling along deserted streets of the town. From time to time Turner discreetly sends me knowing smiles or winks playfully and I always end up blushing heavily.

Suddenly, a man walking ahead of us gives a sign to halt and when we take a cover, a few enemies shows up in a long distance, sneaking between half-destroyed houses. ''We'll regroup to scout around the place.'' - commands in a hushed tone Turner. ''(Y/N), you coming with me.'' 

''We're going in the wrong direction.'' - I comment when I see that we're heading toward the square which was meant for Pierson to take it over, not us. Even so, I obediently follow Turner to the church. ''Pierson is not here yet. We've come too early-'' I pause the moment I see wistful Turner standing front to the altar. Silently, I take a stand by his side to join him in prayer.

''(Y/N)...'' - speaks up softly Turner. ''Have you ever wondered what would it'd be like if there was no war?''

''I believe the world would be much better but would we meet each other then?''

''That's a good question.'' I feel him now taking my hand as he turns to me. ''The next time we come here, let's wear civilian clothes, not uniforms. I want to see you smiling in a long dress and holding a bunch of flowers so I can say out loud ''here comes my beautiful woman'' and take you in my arms to let the world know who is the love of my life.''

''Oh, Joseph...''

He then leans down to leave a peck on my forehead and whispers fondly: ''I love you, (Y/N).''

''I love you too, Joseph.'' 

But our affectionate moment is quickly interrupted by a soldier opening the door with a thud. ''Sir! The enemy is approaching!''

''It's time to begin the operation. Come!'' We take a leave before the enemy's reinforcement arrive and get back to our teammates waiting in the outskirts of the town. Walking by Turner's side, I notice a tiny silhouette running across the street. ''Don't shoot! It's a child!'' - warns his men Turner.

''Joseph-, I mean, lieutenant, I'll take the child to safety.''

''Okay, but be careful out there.'' In reply I give him a warm smile before leaving.

I haven't been looking too long for the girl when around the corner a Nazi officer shows up together with her being pulled by the collar. ''Miss (Y/N).'' - he speaks up in a raspy voice.

''You are...?'' - I ask sarcastically, knowing well it's Heinrich, my and Rousseau's main target.

''Hah! You're impudent as always.''

''Let's skip this drollery of yours and release the girl. You want me, not her.''

''Not so fast, (Y/N). I have a few terms for you.'' His ironic grin quickly disappears as he presses the gun to the civilian's head.

Nervously biting my lower lip, I raise my hands in surrender. ''What do you want?''

''Get inside this house.'' Heinrich nods at the building on his right and I carefully enter it with the two of them following my steps. When we reach a large room upstairs, I turn around to face him with a cold glare in my eyes, but he's not done with his demands yet. ''Now take off your clothes.''


''You heard me. Do it or she will pay the price for your disobedience.''

''You monster...''

''Should I start counting?'' 

His malicious smirk makes me clench my fists in frustration. With no other choice, I remove my outer clothes but pause the moment I'm left wearing only my chemise. ''...Let her go first.''

''Sure.'' Heinrich then kicks out the sobbing girl through the door he next swiftly closes and then approaches me, chuckling hoarsely. ''You're so naive, (Y/N).''

''Don't come any closer or else you will regret it deeply.'' Amused by my warning, he tries to touch me, so I pull out the clasp knife Turner gave me last night and swing it sharply, wounding his face in the result. Seething with anger, Heinrich trails his fingers along the fresh cut. ''I warned you.'' - I add, shrugging. ''And I'm not naive but kind enough not to kill you before the child's eyes.''

''You little-!'' He jumps at me and grabs both my arms, pinning me against the wall.

''Get off me!'' - I shout, wrestling with him, but his grip on my wrists is too tight and when I'm about to slump over to release myself from his hold, in the doorway appears Turner.

''(Y/N)!'' At once he pulls back Heinrich to punch him several times in the face. In bewilderment I watch furious Turner hitting him until the officer loses his consciousness.

''Turner!'' My eyes widen in dismay at the sight of his splotched with blood knuckles. ''Did you get hurt?!''

''No, it's his blood...'' Turner lets out a tired sigh as he glances in aversion at unconscious Heinrich. ''What about you? Did he do something to you?''

''Fortunately, no. You arrived just in time. Thank you.''

''Anything for you, darling.'' With that said he takes off his jacket to tuck me with it.

''Sir!'' - calls him a private outside.

''Don't come! I'll be back in a few minutes.'' - informs him Turner while bringing me closer to his body as if being afraid someone would see me skimpily clothed.

''Shouldn't you lead the element to the square?'' - I ask when he embraces me tightly.

''Don't worry, I left Murphy in charge of the assault.''

''Joseph, Davis will be mad at you.''

''I've come to rescue you and that's how you thank me? By nagging at me?''

''Of course not, my savior.'' I kiss him on his cheek and nestle up to him. With my head resting on his chest, I listen to his slackening breathing. Nothing feels so soothing as his secure and warm hug I'm melting in.

Hours of Glory (Turner x Reader)(CODWWII)Where stories live. Discover now