Her Secret

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(Turner's POV)

I take off my helmet and place it on the desk. That's when I notice that I've forgotten to hide the photo of (Y/N). Whenever I see it, I get lost in thoughts by mindlessly staring at it. Lately, I can't get (Y/N) out of my mind. Maybe Pierson was right that I fell in love with her.


I abruptly turn around to see who has just entered the tent. ''Oh, Daniels. I didn't hear you coming.'' I swiftly tuck the photo under my jacket and get up.

''Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt. I just wanted to ask something.''

''What is it?''

''Sir, aren't you going to bring (Y/N) back? You two seem to be very close friends and I thought you could do something about this mess. Lieutenant, you're her last hope.'' His words have made ponder for a moment.

Suddenly, Felix storms inside the tent and hides behind me. Right after him comes angry Pierson, who is trying to catch the kid. ''Hey, hey, hey!'' I stand in his way to stop him. ''What's going on here?''

''That kid...'' Pierson points his finger at Felix. ''He destroyed my cot.'' I glance at Felix, who sticks out his tongue at Pierson.

''Daniels, can you take the boy home?''

Daniels nods at me, agreeing, but Felix is not happy about that idea. ''No, I'm not leaving. (Y/N) told me to stay here.''

''We're moving out soon so it'd be better for you to go home.''

''Then take me with you, sir. I can be of some help.''

His bold proposition has made me chuckle. ''You're too young for that, son. Maybe one day when you finish the basic training.''

''I'd rather be trained by you. (Y/N) believes that you're the best commander she has ever met.''

''Really?'' I raise my eyebrows in astonishment, not realizing that I clearly show my happiness about it.

''I'm not lying, that's what she wrote in her diary. If you want to know more, I can sell some info.'' He takes out a diary from his pocket and hands it over to me.

''Hmm...'' I quickly flip through the pages and stop at the pencil drawing of me. ''Okay. Daniels, take him home.'' Daniels puts his arm on the Felix's shoulder to lead him outside, though the boy is still making a fuss about a deal with the diary. When Pierson is about to leave as well, I ask him coldly: ''Pierson, there's one thing that still bothers me. Was it you who called the MP?''

''Yes, it was me.'' - replies tauntingly Pierson. ''So what?''

''You-!'' Without thinking, I raise my fist at him but drop it when I realize that the boy is watching us from afar. ''Damn it.''

''Open your eyes, Turner. That little bitch was seducing you to get some confidential information. Who knows, maybe you weren't her only prey.''

I grab him by the collar and seething in rage I say in a low tone: ''You know nothing about (Y/N) so shut the fuck up and get out of here. Now.'' I release him from my hold, pushing him back, and get back to my desk. Why is he talking about her in that way? Is he jealous or what? Everyone else is nice to her but not him. Pierson scoffs at me and quickly leaves the tent. Once again I glance at the photo before making the final decision. I'm going to bring her back.

I storm out of my tent and get into the nearest jeep. ''Sir? Sir!'' - someone's trying to stop me but is held back by Daniels and his friends. I nod at Daniels, showing him my gratitude, and drive away, leaving only a cloud of dust behind me.


(Your POV)

Two MP officers are leading me through a long corridor to an obscured room at the end of the bunker. When we stop in the entrance, one of those men announces my arrival and then they leave. ''Come in.'' - says in a hoarse voice the officer in his late fifties, sitting at his desk. He puts down the document he's been reading and slowly stands up. ''Finally, you've came. I'm colonel general Davis. And you must be that woman lieutenant Turner met on Omaha Beach. Please take a seat.'' He points at the chair in front of him and waits for me to sit down. ''I heard that you helped my boys.'' - he says when he lights his cigar.

''You sound like you want to make a deal with me.''

In response he snickers as he takes a drag on his cigar and next he flicks the ash from it. ''A woman with weapons but wearing civilian clothes. You're from the French Resistance, aren't you?'' He leans back in his seat, not averting his gaze from me. ''But what were you doing there all by yourself?''

All of a sudden, a MP officer enters the tent. ''Sir! Major Crowley has just came.''

Davis sighs tiredly and gets to his feet. ''Call a meeting right now. Miss (Y/N), you're coming too.''

I go after Davis to a large tent, where already are waiting some officers. Among them is my ally and teacher from the special training in London, Arthur Crowley. ''Arthur!''

''Hello, miss troublemaker. I heard about a mysterious woman fighting along with Americans and I immediately thought of you.''

''I see that you know each other.'' - interrupts Davis.

''That's right. Miss (Y/N) was trained by me.'' - says proudly Crowley.

''Alright, let's start the meeting.'' Davis stands on the platform, in front of which are gathered officers of high rank. When he begins his speech, Turner is getting through the crowd. ''I'm glad to cooperate with S.O.E. agents as well as brave warriors from the French Resistance. I'd like to present to you all a brilliant strategist and also the second-in-command, miss (Y/N).'' Then I come forward to stand between Davis and Crowley, while others are giving us a loud applause.

''(Y/N)?'' - asks puzzled Turner.

''Lieutenant?'' My eyes open widely in shock when I realize that he's just found out about my secret.

I try to go to him but I'm stopped by Crowley. ''Hey, where are you going again?''

''I need to talk to Turner.''

''I'm afraid you can't, ma'am. In this meeting you represent the French Resistance so you need to go with us.'' Crowley puts his arm around my waist, making me go with them.

''Lieutenant!'' I look over my shoulder at speechless Turner standing motionlessly.

Hours of Glory (Turner x Reader)(CODWWII)Where stories live. Discover now