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Theodore and his friends learn that Austin is hospitalized the next day.

As soon as Theodore arrived at his unit the night before, he called Austin's cell over and over again. It did ring a couple of times before it stopped and redirected him to an automated message. Though he was also anxious, he told Stella not to worry—that maybe Austin was too busy to pick up. Stella tried to reach him but to no avail as well.

Both succumbed to fatigue and had to give up eventually. It had been a long day.

And then Stella receives a call from Austin's parents around 3 AM. Austin has gotten entangled in a fraternity war. Brotherhood and loyalty has demanded him to drop everything and join a fight that he doesn't have anything to do with.

Stella calls Theodore immediately, barely finishing her sentences as she sobs profusely, and the latter leaves his unit in panic. He dials Jacob's number on his way to the parking lot.

"Hmm? Theo?" Jacob yawns. "What's wrong...? It's 3 AM—"

"Austin is in the hospital," Theodore pants as his strides get longer and faster, his forehead slick with cold sweat. "I'm going. Stella's on her way, too. If you want to go with me, I'll wait for you--"

"I'll go. Of course, I'll go," Jacob responds instantly, his senses awakened by the alarm in Theodore's voice. "I'll see you downstairs."

"Okay," Theodore murmurs, the tension in his body dissipating a little.

His chest feels incredibly heavy, however, because he knows that it was a mistake to let Austin go. He should've stopped him. He could have.

Theodore starts the car and without putting on his seatbelt, he rushes to Jacob's place.

In the car, Theodore fidgets restlessly, his temples throbbing from a lack of proper sleep. He's pushing the speed limit but maintains a smooth drive to keep Jacob from feeling uneasy. Jacob glances at Theodore, noticing the dark circles under his eyes and the frequent sighs. Theodore carries the weight of blame for what happened to Austin.

"Your seatbelt, Theo," Jacob says as they merge onto the highway.

"Ah, right." Theodore stiffly fastens his seatbelt, his movements constrained.

Jacob threads a hand through his hair. "He's going to be alright."

Theodore tightens his grip on the steering wheel. "Stella... She sounded so frustrated and upset. And it's been four hours since Austin went into the operating room. He took a severe blow to the head—"

"He's going to live," Jacob interrupts firmly that it makes Theodore flinch. "And it's not your fault. Not mine. Not Stella's. No one knew this was going to happen."

"But we could have stopped him. The three of us felt that something was off when he left." The pain in the back of his throat intensifies. "I should have done more to convince him not to join the frat. He could've avoided this if only I..."

"If only you what?" Jacob interjects. "You tried, Theo. Austin chose for himself and you supported him as his friend. This is not on you. Don't be hard on yourself."

Theodore purses his lips and draws a sharp breath.

"Sorry, Jake."

"Don't apologize."

"Thank you for going with me."

"What do you mean? Austin is my friend, too."

"Yeah." Theodore half-smiles. "He'll be thrilled to hear that."


Stella, Jacob, and Theodore all arrive nearly simultaneously, descending upon the nurses' lounge with a flood of questions about the location of the operating room. Stella wears an old pair of sweatpants, her face devoid of makeup, her eyes swollen from crying. Theodore and Jacob are similarly dressed, having had no time even to wash their faces. The nurse senses their distress and calmly directs them.

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