The Arrival of the Heiress

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When the clumping sound of the horses' hooves abruptly stopped, followed by their neighs, indicating that they had arrived.

The coachman hesitatingly informed the lady inside the carriage.

"M-My Lady, we-we have arrived".

A dainty woman wearing a raven frock and a laced black veil that covered her entire face leisurely alighted from the carriage.

With her straight back and lithe movement, anyone could tell that this woman right here came from a lofty family.

She is only standing there, yet an overwhelming aura is already exuding from her.

Beneath her veil, a pair of enchanting blue eyes solemnly shone, mixed with anticipation and curiosity.

She stared silently at the grand manor, yonder behind the cold and dark iron gate.

Although this is the place where her family has resided for so many years, it didn't give any familial atmosphere to her.

It felt extremely distant, instead.

It felt no different from the places she had been before.

Just an unfamiliar house where she has to stay for a very long time.

Perhaps the reason is that she grew up in her grandmother's care in the Sorcha Empire.

She was told that her mother died after giving birth to her and her father was also unknown.

Therefore, she was taken under her grandparent's wings.

Although it was a bit difficult for her, growing up in a place where people criticize and discriminate against you because of your origins.

Still, her grandmother gave her the care and attention she needed. They were so close to each other.

On the other hand, her relationship with her grandfather, who has been unfaithful and cold towards her grandmother, is nothing like a family member, but rather a stranger to her.

However, not long after she turned eighteen, her only family passed away.

Right after her grandmother's burial, her grandfather cast her out of the mansion and denied her any titles or even rights.

It was terrible.

Yet, she did not let it affect her.

Now, the only string that keeps on holding her body up and pushing it to move forward is her grandmother's dying wish.

She has been bent on making it happen.

Remembering her grandmother's breathless final words, which are still fresh in her mind.

"To revive her family's past glory."

Her grandmother's genuine concern for their family is undeniably stronger than hers.

Despite the injustice that she had received from her family, tying her with loveless matrimony and sending her as a peace-bearer between the two empires, Sorcha and Ceraun.

She still hopes that her bloodline won't cease to exist.

As the last Nightingale bloodline, the responsibility and her grandmother's worry fall onto her shoulders.

This doesn't sound too easy. She will eventually encounter numerous difficult challenges in her new journey in life which is now right in front of her.

But she is not anxious at all. She is confident enough, with all those years of preparation, everything will be handled smoothly.

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