Loss of a mother

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Asteria Targaryen

High Tide, Driftmark Island: 126 AC

It's been two years since their return to Westeros, and Laena was in labour with her final child.

And as Asteria listened to the screams of her adoptive mother, she knew that Laena Velaryon wouldn't survive. The child, her half brother, was stillborn, as Asteria couldn't sense the life force of her half brother that would never breath.

She knew bone deep that Laena Velaryon wasn't going to survive to see the next dawn.

She played with Rhaena, Alyssa, and Baela, desperately trying to tune out Laena's screams of pain. Jace, Luke, Aemond, Aegon, Helaena, Daeron, and Jocelyn were with them.

The Rogue Prince's firstborn headed to one of the balconies of the play room, needing some fresh air. She spotted Laena heading to Vhagar.

"Baela, Rhaena!" she called and her sisters rushed to her side. "What's mother doing?" Rhaena gasped.

Vhagar stirred. Asteria could tell Laena was ordering something before Vhagar took a deep breath.

Asteria grabbed Baela and Rhaena and hide their faces in her dress. She could feel the heat of Vhagar's flames even from the distance.

She peeked over her shoulder, and saw the ashes were Princess Laena Targaryen of House Velaryon had once stood.

Make sure she gets rest. she ordered down her bond with Death. Of course, my lady. Death assured her.

Asteria began singing the hymns to Balerion, Shrykos, and Vermax, asking for Laena's place in the Underworld, for Shrykos to remember her ending, and Vermax to give Laena's soul a swift journey to the Underworld.

So, ages and birth years of the Targaryen kids—

Asteria: Born 112 AC, fourteen years old

Aegon: Born 113 AC, thirteen years old

Helaena: Born 114 AC, twelve years old

Aemond: Born 116 AC, ten years old

Jace: Born 116 AC, ten years old

Daeron: Born 116 AC, ten years old

Luke: Born 118 AC, eight years old

Baela & Rhaena; Born 118 AC, eight years old

Jocelyn: Born 122 AC, four years old

Alyssa: Born 124 AC, two years old

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