Blood Moon

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Rhea Royce

Runestone, the Vale: 112 AC

Rhea screamed once more before the wail of her baby was announced but Rhea could feel the life leaving her, draining out of her body. "My child." she commanded, sitting up.

Sheila, her youngest sister, approached, holding the child. "A daughter, sister. She will be a fine beauty." her grey eyed sister softly noted. Rhea felt not love for the babe but peered down.

Amethyst eyes and a tuft of white-gold hair greeted her. She let out a bitter laugh. Of course, Daemon gets the last laugh. she thought darkly.

"Asteria." she muttered. "Princess Asteria Targaryen."

She glanced out the window, and saw the blood moon in the sky before it all went dark.

Daemon Targaryen

Runestone, the Vale: 112 AC

Caraxes landed with a shriek in the courtyard and Daemon jumped off. Thank you, dear friend. he said down the bond. Selarion, Caraxes daughter, landed and his theory that his daughter was Selarion's future rider was confirmed. He saw Sheila Royce approach him.

"Lady Sheila." he greeted curtly. "My daughter?"

"This way." Sheila said and lead him through the castle and to a nursery. He heard coos and giggles and he speed up, entering the nursery and making a beeline for his child.

He smiled when he saw her, and she gave him a toothless grin. "She's a Targaryen." he said, gently picking her up.

"Rhea named her Asteria. And by her will, she will not inherit Runestone." Sheila said from behind him. Daemon scoffed. "As I expected. Not that I would let a child of mine waste away here."

He turned around, holding Asteria close. "There was a blood moon the night she was born." his late wife's sister told him.

"A blood moon?" Daemon asked, holding his firstborn in his arms. When he heard of his daughter's birth he had left the Red Keep instantly.

"Yes my prince." Lady Sheila confirmed. "The smallfolk are whispering of a Targaryen born under a blood moon." "They should." Daemon said. "In our culture, being born under a blood moon is a sign of greatness."

That's chapter one. King's Landing is next.

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