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Zelda's POV

Link is fast asleep. He fell asleep happy, going on and on about how much I mean to him and how much he cares about us until his voice turned into mumbles and whispers, and eventually he drifted off into a deep slumber.

Malice didn't have the fortune of falling asleep to anything like that. Who knows what went through her head right before she passed out in that dark alleyway.

I've been up all night worrying about her. I can't ignore it any longer. I don't want her to wake up alone, in a strange room with no memory of how she got there. Somebody needs to be there with her and explain what happened and why she is here.

Stepping out of bed, the darkness cloaks the house like a sinister shroud. I move quietly, careful not to wake Link on my way to the door. Barefoot, I enter the hallway.

In the guest bedroom, the blinds shut out the creeping morning light, creating a chilling ambiance. There she lies, unmoving and still, as though trapped in an ominous dream. I approach her cautiously, hoping to find signs of life.

I contemplate taking her to the ER despite Pik's objections. I understand that he doesn't want Malice to get in trouble for the use of drugs or homelessness, but her well-being should be our priority. The thought of an ambulance briefly crosses my mind but before I call them, I try to wake her up first.

I gently shake her shoulder. In an instant, Malice's eyes snap open and she reacts with terrifying swiftness, drawing a gleaming object from her boot!

Fear seizes me as she lunges forward, a sharp blade coming my way! I try to back away in time, the edge of her knife slicing my cheek! In my sudden retreat, I fall backward to the ground. 

I shuffle away from her at the same time as I try to get back up, but it's too late, she's on top of me, the atmosphere crackling with tension as I struggle to escape.

"Malice stop!" I beg, the realization dawning that the danger is all too real. There's no telling what's driving her actions, and the weight of uncertainty adds to the horror of the moment. She stares at me in pure terror and I stare back just as terrified, knowing that my voice doesn't reach her.

Her hand gains momentum, the knife aiming for my neck again. With no room to back away this time, I throw myself to the side, just barely avoiding the razor-sharp blade.

I swiftly try to rise to my feet. The blade slashes through the air and sinks deep into my leg, piercing through flesh and bone. Searing agony shoots through my leg and an involuntary scream sounds as I crumple back to the floor.

Malice pulls out her knife to launch another attack while I push myself away from her. I can feel warm blood gushing from the wound, soaking my clothes and the carpet beneath me. The pain is overwhelming, but I can't allow it to paralyze me. I know I will die if I don't fight right now!

With a thud, the knife cuts me over and over as I try to crawl away from her. In the dimly lit room, adrenaline courses through my body, making every second feel critical.

"Stop!" I screech between sobs. "Malice! Stop!" I plead for my life. I don't have the strength to convince her that I'm only trying to help her. I need to get away from her!

Amidst the chaos, I find myself in a life-or-death struggle, my instincts kicking in as fear guides my actions. Desperately, I use my hands and feet to fend off the imminent danger.

"You're at my house! You're safe!" I scream, using every last ounce of strength to protect myself.

I don't want to get stabbed!

Despite the pain pulsating through my body, I scramble to get out of here alive.

"Malice please!" I call out in a final attempt to stop her from stabbing me!

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