Chapter Six

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*Hadrian Potter*

"How may I help you?" the goblin that I recognized as Ragnok asked.

"We had some questions," I said sitting up from where I had slumped down in my seat when Sirius threatened Tom. "I heard that you can do an inheritance test?"

"We can," Ragnok said.

"If possible we all would like one done," I said, and Ragnok nodded writing something down. "Also I don't believe my parents will have been read and if they haven't I would like to have that done."

"I will look into it Mr.Potter," Ragnok said. "Anything else?"

"One more, my friend and I were told to ask to see the Asteria Soul vault, I have this key," I said and both goblins froze and I glanced at Tom who shrugged.

"You have seen Master Azrael and Mistress Nyxia," Ragnok gasped and I nodded. "Griphook go get everything Lord Potter has asked for and I will not be taking any more clients today."

"Yes sir," the smaller goblin said bowing before rushing out of the room.

"What just happened?" Mione whispered and I shrugged.

"My apologies for our reaction Lord Potter," Ragnok said. "It has been nearly three centuries since was had anyone ask to see that vault let alone have the key for it. Which means you are the prophecies lords."

"Prophecied lords?" Moony asked.

"A prophecy that has been long forgotten by the wizards," Ragnok said. "Magic will choose two to hold the power to unite light and dark. Together unbreakable torn apart both will fall. Bound by magic founded by blood."

"I'm starting to hate prophecies," Ron said and I snorted. "Why can't they be straightforward instead of cryptic."

"They aren't supposed to easily understood Mr.Weasley," Snape said and Ron grumbled.

"Here is what you asked for Ragnok," Griphook said as he came back into the room. "It will take a moment to find the Potter's wills someone had us lock them away."

"Find out who and get the wills," Ragnok hissed and Griphook ran out the door.

"Bet I know who locked them away," Mione muttered under her breath and I nodded watching as Ragnok sorted the papers into nine stacks.

"Pay attention cubs," Mooney said we nodded giving him a smile, and turned back to Ragnok who I could have sworn had an amused look on his face.

"I assume everyone here would like to have the same inheritance test done," Ragnok said. "It would should all blood rights and any unfriendly spells, curses, or potions you have or may have been under."

"Yes," Tom said and all of the adults looked at him. "After what I have gone through there is no telling what has been done to you without your knowledge and it is better to be safe than sorry."

"Tom's right," I said, and after a moment Padfoot and Mooney nodded. "What do we need to do Ragnok?"

"Four drops of blood on the parchment," Ragnok said holding a fancy-looking dagger out and I grabbed it following his directions before passing it to Ron. At first I didn't see anything happen and then all the parchments glowed brightly for a moment and then there was a stack of parchments under the ones we had put our blood on.

"Harry you go first," Mione said as she reached for my stack of papers and handed them to me but stayed close enough to read over my shoulders I looked down only to jerk my head up when I heard movement and I saw everyone had moved closer and Tom was standing over me and Mione so he could read as well.

"Nosey fuckers," I muttered before looking back down and started reading.

Official Birth Certificate:
Child: Hadrian James Potter
Mother: Lillian Cassandra Evans Potter
Father: James Fleamont Potter
Date Of Birth: July 31, 1980
Blood Status: Pureblood

Surviving\Deceased Relatives:
Lillian Evans Potter - Mother(Deceased)
James Potter - Father(Deceased)
Sirius Orion Black - Godfather
Remus Lupin - Godfather
Andromeda Black Tonks - Godmother
Fleamont Potter - Grandfather(Deceased)
Euphemia Potter - Grandmother(Deceased)
Matthew Evans - Grandfather(Deceased)
Cassie Evans - Grandmother(Deceased)
Petunia Evans Dursey - Aunt
Vernon Dursley - Uncle
Dudley Dursley - Cousin


Potter Manor
Potter Safehouse
Peverell Castle
Black Manor
Black Ancestry Home
Black Safe House
Lupin Cabin
Gryffindor Estate
Hufflepuff Estate
Hogwarts 50%

Magical Inheritance:
Magical Level: 500
Core: Grey
Creature: Born Animagus Shifter
Powers: Parsel Magic, Parseltongue, Animagi, Creature Speak

Magical Blocks:
Magical Core: 85% blocked
Parsel Magic: 100% blocked
Parseltongue: 65% blocked
Wandless Magic: 100% blocked
Creature Speak: 99% blocked
Creature: 99% blocked
Animgai: 100% blocked
Natural Mind Shield: 95% blocked

"Nearly all of your magic is blocked," Mione said. "No wonder you had problems with using it. Well except when people were trying to kill you."

"Har har," I muttered before turning to Sirius. "Padfoot who's Andromeda?"

"My cousin," Sirius said. "She was disowned after running away and marrying a muggle-born wizard. Lily and she became good friends when Lily was pregnant with you. Why?"

"It's here that she's listed as my godmother," I said holding the parchment up so Remus and him could see.

"I know for a fact that she would have taken you in if she knew about that," Sirius said. "Lily would have told her too."

"Maybe she was forced to forget about it?" Ron said. "I mean think of everything else that has happened. It wouldn't be that surprising if a memory charm was thrown into the mix of everything else."

"Maybe," I said setting my papers down. "Who's next?"

"Tom," Ron said and I noticed Tom look at Ron with a surprised expression. "What? You and Ry have been fucked over the most might as well start with the two of you so we can fix that. The rest of us can wait."

"I believe that is the smartest thing I have heard you say, Mr.Weasley," Snape said.

"And that is why he is good with strategies," Mione said as she leaned over and kissed Ron's cheek. I smiled watching them before leaning over and grabbing Tom's papers and handing them to him.

"Well?" I asked Tom and he cleared his throat before taking a seat beside me and I glanced over so I could see what they read.

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