Chapter Four

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*Hadrian Potter*

"Where are we?" I asked after the dizziness from apparating went away and I looked around the nearly unliveable house.

"Riddle Cabin," Snape said. "Tom used to come here during summer breaks when we all went to school. It belonged to his father and was used as an escape from the orphanage he was in. He's upstairs with Nagini."

"Right," I nodded headed for the stairs, and slowly made my way up as I got closer to the landing I felt and pain in my scar get more intense.

"Intruder," something hissed when I got to the top of the stairs.

"I'm a friend," I replied in parseltongue pushing the door open gently staying out of view in case of any hexxes.

"Potter," came a scratchy voice and I stepped fully into the room wincing at the pain exploding in my head. "Why are you here?"

"Returning your soul," I said holding out the little bag. "I know you were forced to create the horcruxes. You aren't the bad guy and I apologize for killing you before but I promise to make up up to you now."

"I killed your parents," Tom said sounding like a little kid.

"Not of your own free will from what I've heard," I said. "Look, I will explain everything but you need to take your soul back. All of it, including the pieces stuck in me and Nagini."

Tom nodded and I quickly set out the horcruxes making sure they floated over to him and watched as he grabbed the Slytherin locket and placed it around his neck before he said some spell I didn't understand.

"So much better," I said as the pain in my head disappeared. "How are you feeling?"

"Whole," Tom said as he looked at me. "Thank you."

"Welcome," I smiled before coughing slightly. "So what all do you remember?"

"I attacked Hogwarts," Tom said and I felt movement behind me but from the scent, I could tell it was Snape. "We dueled and I died? Now I'm back to when Wormtail resurrected me."

"That's right," I said stepping to the side so Snape could enter the room and I saw Tom relax at the sight of him.

"Severus," Tom whispered.

"My lord," Snape said and Tom flinched.

"Don't call me that," Tom said as Nagini curled up around his legs. "Everything is still fuzzy and I don't understand what has happened so will someone please explain."

"Death and Fate are pissed about what is happening and they enlisted our help to put a stop to it because of some prophecy," I said. "Dumbledore's greed for power is killing all of the magic in the world so we need to find a way to stop him."

"I thought you were loyal to Dumbledore?" Tom said.

"Fuck no," I scoffed. "I was in the beginning because I thought he cared but after he had me compete in the tri-wizard tournament I started doubting him and by the time Hogwarts was attacked I was sure he was lying and I was right. Besides, all of his 'Greater Good Speeches' usually end up with me on a suicide mission and I am done with it. Oh, and the prophecy he has everyone believing in is fake but I'm not sure what the real one is yet was told we would find out after we go to Gringotts and ask about some vault."

"This is a lot of information," Tom said as he sat down in the broken chair behind him.

"Potter, you are smarter than I gave you credit for," Snape said and I grinned.

"Well after being abused and treated like a freak since I was a baby I learned to just be what everyone thought I was supposed to be cause it's easy," I said shrugging. "Besides if I really was that dumb I think I would have died first year with Quirrel. Actually, Ron, Hermione, and I all hid who we really are after first year cause it was just easier but I don't plan on hiding anymore and I'm sure they would agree with me."

"Do they remember?" Snape asked.

"Yep," I grinned. "So does Padfoot and Moony but no one else does because I don't them. They saw how I was being treated by the Dursley and they did nothing so fuck them."

"You are nothing like I thought you would be," Tom said and I chuckled.

"Anyway we should probably get out of here," I said. "As much as I would like to use Grimmauld as a base of operations I don't trust that Dumbledore didn't put spying charms up and I want to go to Gringotts as soon as possible cause Mama said that I had an inheritance that I should have already had possession of."

"A trip to Gringotts does sound good," Tom said as he stood up. "If your friends know everything shouldn't they go with us?"

"Good idea," I nodded and pulled my wand out casting my patronus and sending it to Mione before looking up to see both Tom and Snape staring at me shocked. "What?"

"Nothing," Tom said. "Shall we head to Diagon Alley?"

"Potter, do you need help apparating?" Snape asked.

"Yes," I said groaning before noticing Tom's look. "I can't apparate to save my life. The last time I tried I ended up in the woods outside of London in front of Greyback."

"Why not get a portable portkey?" Tom asked and I looked at him confused.

"A what?" I asked confused.

"Portable port key," Snape said. "It's a portkey that never has a set destination and you use it as you would apparating."

"Definitely gonna get me one of those," I said before holding my hand out to Snape. "But first let's deal with Gringotts."

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