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A/N: Your not dating  JJ (yet) and Kie is your twin sister!

I'm currently standing on my roof. The pogues are at my house hanging out with my sister. Me and my sister aren't close so I don't really hang out with them. I want too but I'm known for being a 'full kook' so I don't. The reason why I'm standing on my roof is because, I don't know I just want to. I'm drinking a beer as I balance on the edge of the roof. I've done it many times so I'm good at keeping my balance.

Suddenly a gust of wind blows a branch that's on my roof at me. I loose my balance and fall backwards. I start to slide down my roof as I shout for Kie. We're home alone, well plus the pogue's. I get to the edge and start to fall off but I manage to grab on at the last second. I hear the pogue's running into my room, but I can't see them. The only thing I can see is my white knuckles from gripping onto the roof so tightly.

*JJ's pov*

I'm at Kie's house, also Yn's but we don't really talk. She's a 'full kook' so she doesn't hangout with us. We sometimes will talk though, we're actually pretty similar. We get into fights with people, we don't really stay in relationships for to long, and we have the same humor. Kie will always joke and say we're meant to be. I always deny it though. Me and Yn barely know each other. I've always kinda had a crush on her though.

Me and the rest of the pogue's are all talking, suddenly we hear noise from the roof. We all look at each other confused. We then hear someone scream. We all recognize that scream. It's Yn's. She starts to shout for Kie as we all bolt up the stairs. Yes I know, me, Pope, and John B aren't close with her but she's Kie's sister so we still care about her. We reach her room and see her window is opened.

We walk closer and then see Yn hanging on to the edge of the roof. It looks like she's about to fall off. It's a big house so if she were to fall she would be lucky to survive. We all start to shout her name frantically.

*Yn's pov*

The pogue's start to climb out of my window and onto the roof. Kie was the first one to reach me. She grabs onto my hands tightly. "Yn hang on!" She says nervously. Her knuckles start to turn white from hanging onto me so tightly. The rest of the boys reach us and start to help Kie pull me
up. They get me onto the roof safely and almost immediately they start to yell at me. I then cut them off  "Chill guys, I'm fine now, am I not?" I ask almost smiling.

I see them all staring at me concerned. "You almost weren't about to be fine!" John B shouts. I start to laugh. "This isn't funny Yn! Why are you laughing?" Kie asks annoyed and concerned. I swat them away "Whatever. Thanks for saving me guys." I shrug as I climb back through my window. I know people will probably say my reaction to them helping me was rude, but I'm annoyed because I don't need them saving me. I also know I asked for Kie's help, but I asked for my sisters help. Not the boys.

I'm getting ready for a party that my boyfriend, Cody is throwing. I don't really stay in relationships for long but Cody is pretty nice. I'm wearing a sage green bikini with denim jean shorts. I then slip my white converse on.

I walk down stairs and see the pogue's sitting at the kitchen island. "Going to a party, I'll be back at like three or something. Just tell Mom and Dad I'm at a friends." I say as I walk out the door. I hop into my jeep and start to drive to his house.

I arrive and hop out. Cody is waiting in the driveway for me "Hey babe" he greets. "Hey." I smile as I pull him inside of the noisy house. A few hours later, after many rounds of beer pong he leaves to go to the kitchen. I realized it's been a while since he left so I go into the kitchen and see him macking on this other chick. "What the fuck?" I shout angrily. I grab a half full solo cup and throw it at them.

I hear Cody shouting my name but I ignore him. Cody has a cool balcony so I decide to go up there. I walk onto the balcony and notice his pool is right under it. I climb over the railing and look down at the pool grinning. Everyone starts to cheer as I jump off. I hit the cold water and resurface. I see Cody glaring at me, I'm confused because the last time I checked he's the one who just cheated on me. I climb out of the pool and walk up to Cody. "What's your problem?" I ask.

He walks closer to me "You didn't even care when I cheated on you!" He shouts angrily. Thankfully everybody is too drunk to notice our fight. I laugh "Your right, I don't give a fuck about you or that random chick you were making out with." I say.
I turn around and start to walk inside to grab my phone. After that I start to walk to my car.

I hop in and start to look at my keys confused. I soon realize I'm way too drunk to drive so I call the first person I can think of, JJ. It rings a few times and he then answers. I notice he's still in the kitchen. "Yn are you all good? It's like three you should come home." He suggests. I place my phone on the dashboard and then turn on my cars lights. "Im good, I actually don't know how to drive anymore dude!" I drunkly exclaim.

His eyes widen as he sees me drenched in water. "What happened?" He exclaims concerned as all the pogue's start to look into the camera. "Don't be mad ok..." I say smiling "We won't be mad." JJ says as everyone agrees "Ok so I may have jumped off of my ex boyfriends balcony and into the pool." I say quickly. "What do you mean ex boyfriend?" Kie questions "oh Cody cheated on me and I'm pretty sure he's looking for me." I say as I look out of my window.

I hear the pogue's talking to me through the phone but I'm too distracted with what's infront of me. It's Cody and Rafe. Shit.

A/N: a part two will be up soon! Hope you enjoyed! - kb (:

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