Rivals (part 2)

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A/N: Yn is Kie's twin and is dating Rafe (not for long though).

I hope he didn't see what Rafe just did, the windows are tinted though so I should be fine. "Why do you care JJ?" I ask as I start to walk down the beach. He follows quickly behind me with his hands in his pockets. "He was acting weird after school that one day and you have bruises on your face." He points out.

I look at him annoyed and angry "Dude I got into a fight also leave me alone. Go hangout with my sister or some shit." I say. Just as JJ is about to say something Rafe comes up. He grabs my arm and says "I said stay by me." He then drags me away from JJ. I can't help but notice JJ looks angry. I've always had a crush on JJ but I've never told anyone. I tried to deny it at first but once Rafe started to become more and more abusive I stopped denying it.

*2 hours later*

I'm talking to Kie as I take a sip out of my beer. I know I said we aren't that close, but we still talk. Sometimes. I then see Sarah walk past us, even though me and my sister aren't close I hate Sarah for what she did to Kie. I know she's Rafe's sister but I don't give any shits. She's a brat.

I look at her and then lightly hit her arm. "Hey Sarah can I interest you with a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" I ask Sarah tipsily. "No.. thanks." Sarah tries to deny politely "Is it not fancy enough for you?" I ask sarcastically. Suddenly Topper interrupts "you know what. I'll take it." Topper says as he reaches for the cup.

I can practically feel Kie's eyes on me and the other kook's. "Sorry but I didn't ask you Topper, now if you said pretty please-" I taunt as I pull the cup away from his reach. "Oh pretty please?" Topper scoffs almost like he's shocked. "Yeah pretty please. Sarah are you-" I start but suddenly Topper shoves the drink outta my hand and it splashed into my face.

I shove Topper harshly and he shoves me back. "Nah nah nah." John B says as he runs up to me and Kie and pushes me away from Topper. Me and John B aren't that close but he looks out for me. I look out for all the pogue's, except for JJ. They do the same for me."Yn let's just go over there." Kie points trying to avoid the fight. "Yn you don't want me to give you another bruise, now do you?" Topper obnoxiously asks.

I shove John B away and punch Topper right in the jaw. We start to punch each other back and forth. Now we're in the water and I shove him. He falls into the water, getting soaked. He then punches me where Rafe punched me a few weeks earlier. He did that on purpose for sure. I punch him in the nose, he then shoves me into the water. I get up and John B then tries to get Topper away from me.

I see Rafe and JJ standing next to each other watching nervously. I can tell JJ wants me to win even though we hate each other, he hates Topper more. At least that's what I think. I honestly think Rafe wants Topper to win. "Yo John B don't make me drown you like your old man now!" Topper shouts. Jb punches him harshly. I back away as I watch the fight. Topper pulls the same moves on Jb as he did on me. He starts to drown John B and I realize he can't fight back. I run up to my bag and pull out my gun. It's not legal, but whatever.

I run up to Topper and point it to his skull. "Yeah you know what that is. Your move broski." I say as I dig the gun deeper into his hair. Everyone is yelling at me. Especially Kie, she always tells me to 'think before I act' I know once I get home she'll give me a whole speech or whatever. 

After Topper begs for me to lower the gun I do so. "Aye listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" I shout as I shoot twice into the air. Shortly after Kie and Pope run up to me and start to yell at me. "Yo guys you guys don't even like me. Leave me alone." I shout at them. I then start to walk over to Rafe.

I'm scared, I know he's gonna do some crazy shit once I am by him. I know what I did was wild but I had to do what I had to do. Jb helped me so I helped him. "Yn what the fuck!" Rafe shouts as I get closer and closer to where he's standing. I wince at the tone of his voice. Rafe looks over my shoulder to make sure nobody is looking and then punches me in the jaw, like always.

Rafe starts to harshly whisper stuff into my ear about how I'm a 'fucking idiot' and a 'hoe for Jb' even though I'm none of those things. "Leave me alone." I swat him away, I'm drunk but also done with his shit. He shoves me into the sand as he glares at me. "Fuck off Rafe!" I hear someone shout. It's JJ. Fuck. I look at JJ trying to blink away the tears that are in my eyes.

I hate crying in front of people, especially in front of my enemy. I stand up quickly "go away JJ you should go help John B." I mumble. "Yn I just saw him push you into the sand." JJ points out as I break eye contact. "If you ever touch her again I'll break every fucking bone in your body." JJ adds as he gets closer to Rafe. "Whatever pogue." Rafe responds as he walks away.

He then turns back as he walks "fuck you slut, walk home!" He shouts. I rub my jaw and then brush past JJ. I walk over to Kie "We're going now." I sternly say and I start to walk to her car. I hear her apologize to Pope and JJ, probably about how I'm so annoying and that she'll check on Jb in the morning.

We get into her car and I sink into my seat annoyed. Kie's phone suddenly buzzes, she then stares at me worriedly. "What?" I shrug "look." She says as she shoves her phone into my face. It's a text from JJ 'I think Rafe hurts Yn.' It reads.


A/N: I'll do a part 3, hope you guys enjoyed and sorry for the cliff hanger lmao - kb (:

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