Chapter 12: Consoling Cady

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"You can't just stick him in a trunk. What's wrong with you?!" Cady yelled.

Gemma, (Y/n), and Cady we're heading to the Funki toy company so that Gemma and (Y/n) could figure out what was wrong with M0RGAN. And Cady was not happy about it.

"Look, I know you're very attached to him. I know you think of him as a friend—."

"He is my friend!" Cady insisted.

"Okay, well he's my invention. And the launch is tonight, so it's really important that we run some tests. We have to make sure that he's okay." Gemma emphasized.

"Why wouldn't he be okay? He was fine yesterday. What did you do to him?" Cady accused.

"We will talk about it after you see Lydia." Gemma told her firmly.

"I wanna talk about it now!" Cady screeched.

"We've been going back and forth on this all day Cady. Let's just listen to some music okay?"

Gemma turned in the radio and Cady groaned loudly. "I don't wanna see Lydia!"

"Look, you don't have to stay in the testing room." (Y/n) offered. "You can go anywhere you want in the office."

Gemma nodded in agreement. "And you can look at all the cool toys—."

"You guys don't have any cool toys! Purrpetual Petz suck! They suck shit!" Cady screamed, and raised her foot up and kicked the back of Gemma's chair.

Gemma turned to look at her. "Hey! Careful! Jesus Christ."

"Just tell me what's wrong with him." Cady begged.

"We don't know! Okay? We don't know." (Y/n) confessed. "That's why these tests are so important, so we can find out."

"As soon as we figure it out, you'll be the first to know." Gemma promised.


At the lab, Gemma and (Y/n) were looking through the one way mirror into the testing room where Cady was sitting with Lydia.

Lydia was trying to get Cady to cooperate with her, but she was having none of it.

"Guys, this is crazy. We've taken every possible precaution to make sure that M0RGAN never causes physical harm to anybody. I don't understand how he's capable of offending anyone, let alone murdering them." Tess said.

Gemma shrugged. "Look, we don't understand either. But when I asked him about it, it was honestly as if he was being deliberately vague."

Tess shrugged. "Okay, well that's what spontaneous response is. It's a curated word salad plucked from a sea of data to sound deliberate. We knew there would be a chance that he might say something off."

"I also caught him watching (Y/n) sleeping." Gemma revealed.

(Y/n)'s gaze snapped over to her. "I'm sorry, what?"

Even Tess seemed a bit startled by that. "Okay...well, I'm not sure how to explain that one, but let's just run some diagnostics and fix him then."

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