Chapter 4: Therapy Session

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The next morning, Cady was sitting on the couch, watching cartoons while Gemma and (Y/n) sat at the kitchen table talking about the whole situation.

"I can't believe this is happening. I'm not equipped to handle this. I don't even take care of my own plants." Gemma told her.

"Have you heard from Ryan's parents?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yeah, they called and offered to help, but like, they live in Florida. They're kinda weird. I don't know what their deal is. I'm just trying to figure out a way to do this without getting fired. David's gonna shit blood if I ask for more time off."

"Yeah, I know, but Jesus Gem, you just lost your sister." (Y/n) pointed out.

"And we just spent 100,000 dollars on company funds on a product that he didn't even ask for." Gemma reminded. "If we don't get this Petz prototype soon, he's gonna sue us."

(Y/n) put one hand up, telling her to take a breath. "I don't think you can be worrying about that right now, Gem. You need to focus on Cady." She put her hand down on the table. "And I'll be here to help you."

Gemma sighed and placed her hand on top of (Y/n)'s. "Thank you."

"Don't worry. We got this." She reassured her.

Just then the doorbell rang, and they looked away from each other towards the door.

Gemma opened it to reveal a woman with king red hair standing outside with a smile. "Hi."

Gemma stared at her. "Hi."

"I'm Lydia." The woman introduced.

Gemma just stared at her in confusion. (Y/n) came up behind her and whispered in her ear. "That's the therapist."

Gemma's eyes widened. "Oh! Right, the therapist. Sorry, yeah, please, come in."

Lydia stepped inside and walked over to Cady who was on the couch. "You must be Cady. Look at you, still in your pajamas."

"Yeah, we were just watching TV." Gemma told her.

"I see that."

"So, how does this work? I mean, should I leave?" (Y/n) asked.

Gemma turned to her. "No! Uh...I, I'm sure it's fine if you stay. I mean, as long as you're okay with it." She said to Lydia.

Lydia shrugged. "Not a problem with me. I just need to observe the three of you together, mostly Gemma and Cady, for half and hour, 40 minutes or so."

"Oh. Okay. Doing what exactly?"

"Oh, just hanging out. Maybe playing with some toys or playing a game." Lydia suggested. She looked to Cady. "Hey, Cady, you wanna run and grab some toys to play with?"

"I don't have any toys here." Casy said.

"We just unpacked a bunch this morning. They're just old. I don't think she plays with them anymore."

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