Chapter 10: Baby's First Trophy

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AN: Hey guys, it's Jen. I hate breaking into the stories like this but please check my journal for updates. I'll be posting one soon after this chapter goes live revealing the continuation plan/future of this story. I appreciate all the love and support and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

CW for blood, eyes, and death. The usual nonsense.

Sunlight streamed through a window close-by. You could feel the warmth lick your face like a dog greeting you from a day's work. You smiled dreamily and shuffled closer to it, letting it rest over your closed eyes and parted lips. You could almost taste it, as if it were sweet honey rolling down your throat in a gentle cascade.

You lay like that for a moment, allowing the moment to settle around you like the blanket that laid heavy on top of you. You felt comforted and could smell the breakfast your roommate, Bailey, was cooking.

Bailey was always the best chef in the apartment the two of you shared. She would tie up her long blue braids in a messy bun and she wore the silliest aprons that you would gift her. Prancing and gliding around the kitchen floor with the words, 'Hot stuff coming through!' plastered across her chest and waist. She always seemed to laugh when you brought home more novelties for the two of you. It was your little 'thing', you supposed.

Now, you imagined her carefully tipping pancake mix into a sizzling pan, her fuzzy socks sliding on the tile as she hummed some old jazz song you didn't know the words to.

With that image cemented in your mind you stretched your arms up, yawning loudly as your toes curled against the sheets. A nice long stretch was exactly what you needed, feeling the sore muscles from the days before pull and groan. It was pleasant, but made you wonder how you had gotten so bruised.

Finally, your eyes fluttered open. Momentarily blinded by the sun above you it took you a second to be drowned in cold shock.

Dread pooled and flustered in your stomach, making your heart lurch painfully as you abruptly sat up. You hissed at the movement, looking down at the oversized hoodie that was pulled over your skin. You knew one hell of a bruise was forming.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." The voice was uncharacteristically gentle, and you almost thought this was all some stupid nightmare. But you recognized the disguised air of looming threat, the hope draining clearly from your face as you settled your gaze on the figure before you.

He was hidden from the sun, teetering in a seated position on the edge of the bed, one overly large hand resting on top of the covers. Much too close for your comfort. With a quiet squeak of horror you pushed back away from him, pressing your aching back to the cold wall.

This made him chuckle under his breath, the soft and delicate tone not lost on your frazzled mind.

He stood, stretching a little as he did so, before making slow strides around the bed, stopping when he was at your side.

The sun finally reached him and you almost forgot how terrifying he was....but you couldn't help your awe-filled stare as you looked up.

His round face was spotted with freckles, and the light made them stand out against his warm brown eyes, they twinkled with slight amusement. His crooked nose was a perfect contrast to his fuller lips, drawn back in a carefree grin, showing off the cute gap between his two front teeth.

Facial hair didn't come easily to him, that much was obvious by the blonde scruff speckling his chin and cheeks, running over his upper lip. He raised one rough hand to rub at it, his strong fingers lingering on a scar that looked newer than the rest, running jaggedly through his lip. There was no ugliness though, just beauty.

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