Chapter 2: Sarcasm and Shitty Coffee Keeps Me Sane

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Warning for graphic gore scenes. There will be a break before and after it. Read with caution! There will be brief mentions after the fact as well. Stay safe.

You were screwed the minute you woke up, the second you reached for your phone and checked your notifications. One new email, from your professor, the same professor who had assigned you an essay two weeks before. You, still being tired as hell, didn't worry that much about the contents, it was probably a reminder about a class coming up or something.

You slowly got up, pulling your fluffy throw blanket around your shoulders, Bailey always kept the whole apartment at a crisp sixty-eight degrees. Even though you had pleaded for it at least to be one more degree higher, just for the laughs. She refused, of course, middle school sex jokes just weren't funny to her apparently.

As soon as you shuffled out into the hallway the strong scent of vanilla and espresso filled your nose, making you perk up instantly. Bailey had a knack for making extra strong shots of Italian espresso, the kind that made you sit straight and awake for twelve hours. Plus, the soft vanilla smell was a sign that she was baking.

Bailey always baked when she was stressed or in a good mood, but due to the looming test dates you assumed the former. You just hoped it was her sugar cookies this time, they were always slightly chewy and managed to melt in your mouth. She truly had a gift.

Your roommate looked up from her work as you bumbled into the living room, blanket sliding off your shoulders as you tried to hold it in place with one hand. She knit her eyebrows together and gestured to your disheveled state with a mixing spoon, "Where are your work clothes? You're supposed to leave in less than twenty minutes." You hopped up on the bar stool and laughed, "What do you mean? It's Sunday, I don't have work today." Bailey raised an eyebrow and placed a hand on her hip in a very 'mom' way.

"Today is Monday, (Y/N)." As those words left her mouth you shot up, cozy material falling to the ground as you ran back to your room. "Shit!" You screamed, not caring if the nosy tenants heard your panic at nine AM.

In a rush you threw on your warmer work uniform, tugging a brush through your hair and throwing cold water on your face. You stumbled around, grabbing your school laptop and shoving it into your backpack, along with the charger and a worn (f/c) notebook.

As you threw on the bag you headed back into the living room, plopping down on the carpet and tugging on your winter boots, phone held between your teeth as you counted the minutes in your head. You definitely could not risk being late again, especially not since you left work early two days ago.

Bailey had pulled her hair up while you were gone, elegantly pouring her homemade brew into your to-go mug, setting it down on the counter with a teasing smile. "Don't forget to bring your gloves this time." You stood again and shot her a glare, although you did shove your gloves into your coat pocket.

You muttered a thank you for the coffee as she shoved a plastic container your way, containing two freshly made croissants and three sugar cookies. The smile returned to your face as you rounded into the kitchen and gave her a side hug, pressing a friendly peck to her cheek. She waved you off with a grin, her stormy eyes clearing of any stress she was feeling before. "Quit being a suck up and get going. Make sure to share with Riley." You giggled and nodded, "Yeah sure, I'll share with Rileyyyy." She blushed at your teasing tone and glared at you. You just laughed and yanked the container away along with your mug.   

Bailey threw the keys at you as you ran out the door, you just barely caught them with one hand, managing to grab the small rainbow charm before they fell to the floor. You shouted a goodbye and then shut the door, making sure to lock it behind you.

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