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Warnings | execution, blood, gore, death, yandere satoru, sexual content, etc.

GOJO SAYU laughed. His eyes dripping with tears, red and puffy. It was a stark contrast to the maniacal laughter escaping his grinning lips as he struggled against his constraints.

"She belongs to me! In every life she belongs to me!"

When Gojo died as Seiji in his last life, he couldn't help but to be overrun with guilt. But he didn't have a choice. Y/n married some man that wasn't him.

And in this new life, y/n was but a sweet little baker. Her cheeks were rosy. Her hair curled. Her tits looked like they needed a good grope too in the pretty (color) kimono she always wore.

The moment that Gojo Sayu saw her, his memories immediately came flooding back. He didn't stop himself from running up to her. Grabbing her. Holding her close. She was slightly older than him, he could tell. And as she hit his arm and told him to let her go, he didn't. He held on that much tighter.

Even when her own children came running out of the bakery and started hitting at his legs.

He understood where Gojo Seiji was coming from.

It was time to start over.


"Gojo Sayu, for murdering the l/n family, you have been sentenced to death."

He grinned. His sick and twisted mind spinning as the rope around his neck dug tighter into his skin, his flesh.

"Any last words."

"I can't wait to see her again...and next time, she'll only be with me!"

The words of a mad man.

The Gojo clan were disappointed. Disgusted, to say the least. To think one of their own, next clan leader no less, was able to fall to such depravity.

The current leader raised his arm and signaled for the rope to be cut.

Little did they know, he was lost to depravity a few lives ago, and as the rope snapped Gojo Sayu's neck, his laughter still haunted them all.

And it haunted GOJO SAYAMI too as he opened his eyes. The sun hitting his irises as he squinted.

"You're awake!"

He felt someone bend over him and block out the sun's rays and place a gentle kiss upon his lips. A small smile soon forming there as he raised a hand to cup the back of her head, deepening the kiss.

Breaking the kiss suddenly, she leant back and Gojo was blessed with her angelic features.


"Did you sleep well?"

The question brought him to the present. Where his head laid in her lap as the two basked in the sun in a flower field, far from any prying eyes.

"Mmm, it was a good nap, but I had a terrible dream."

He reached up and caressed her cheek. Her eyebrows furrowing.

"Do you..want to talk about it?"

It was so cute watching her worry over him, the sight caused him to grin.

"No," he finally answered as he thought about the dream. About the memories of his past lives, "its just a silly dream. Nothing to worry yourself over sweet girl."

"Are you sure?"

He watched her worried face, a smirk soon forming his lips as an idea took over, "well... maybe there is something you could do to make me feel better," he hummed out as sat up to pat his lap. The action caused her to blush, "Sayami! We- we aren't married yet! We can't do that stuff..."

He gave his best puppy dog eyes, an innocent facade overtaking his features as his lips formed a pout, "I just wanted you to sit in my lap, promise."

She eyed him a moment, suspicion raking her brain before she relented. She never could say no to him, and he always took advantage over that fact. (Not like he could say no to her either.)

When she finally plopped down into his lap, his arms were quick to snake around her waist. His chin nuzzling into the crook of her neck, causing her to laugh softly.

"Something funny, sweet girl?"

She placed her hands over his. Her fingers lightly tracing his knuckles, "its nothing, you just seem a bit more clingy today is all."

He hummed, "I'm just trying to show i love you."

That and because I remembered everything... I still can't believe my past self went crazy and got himself executed. What an idiot.

He wasn't sure if he was calling himself an idiot or not since him and his past selves were technically the same person. The same soul.

Well, whatever.

"Besides, it feels like we finally got what we deserve you know?"

She smiled fondly. Her fingers tracing small shapes on the back of his hands, "yeah .. with me being a commoner, I never would of imagined that your father would of let me get engaged with you. I'm so happy that we get to be together, Sayami."

That wasn't what Gojo was referring to. He was actually meaning how long it took for them to get together. It's been litteral centuries after all. The two of them have already been through a number of lives. And finally finally Gojo feels like him and y/n are getting the happy ending they deserved.

But y/n didn't need to know that. She didn't need to know of all the trouble he went through to finally get here.

Because it didn't matter anymore. Not with her sitting on his lap so prettily. Which, of course, caused his little dirty thought from earlier come into play. His hands breaking their hold on her stomach and carefully maneuvering to her waist.

"Sa- ?!"

She was quickly cut off when he pressed down, his now hard, clothed cock pressing against her ass.


"What," he said with a chuckle, "we've done this before. You know," he leant forward where his breath tickled her ear, "where I hump that pretty cunt of yours and feel how soaked your panties get. And get to hear you beg for my fingers~. Granted, what I wouldn't give to have those tight walls of yours snug on my cock, but oh well, its like you said, we aren't married yet," he moved his lips down her neck. Teeth nipping and bitting, mouth sucking, tongue licking.

"We- we're outside though."

He could feel her resolve crumble as she squirmed, and before he could say anything else to entice her, she had turned in his grasp, her legs drapping over his sides as she ground against his erection. Her mewls and moans echoing into the air as she placed her hands on his shoulders, fingers gripping the fabric when she pressed her pelvis down.

"S- sayami~"

He helped her grind against him, his own hands gripping her hips as he forced her to move and and forth, against his hardening length that pressed tight in his trousers.

"Shit! Its in moments like these where I really want to fuck you dumb!"

He grunted and moaned, his forehead pressing against her own as pleasure mixed together.

She whined as she tried to quicken thr pace, the sight causing him to smirk as he took in her flushed features.


She nodded wordlessly, and he couldn't help but to groan at the sight. Oh what he wouldnt give to finally see her come undone on his cock instead. But whatever, he could wait.

He lived many lives after all. A few more days wouldn't hurt. Or maybe it would...

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