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warnings | yandere!gojo, death, murder, implied that sukuna becomes a curse, etc.

GOJO SEIJI could not, for the life of him, find a way to make sure that y/n will love him in future reincarnations. In other words, he was left with a single option. To make sure this never happens again.

Granted, it would be difficult to ensure that y/n falls in love with him in every life. Not to mention that it is never simple when it comes to finding her either.

However, in every single life, he manages to find her, or she accidentally finds him. Both incidents are by chance, of course, but the chances are never zero.

So, how to deal with the current situation...

The answer was obvious. The two of them simply have to start over. Gojo hates starting over, but what other option does he have? Sukuna has touched her. Sure, her innocence is still in tact, but it won't be for long. Sukuna definitely comes off as the impatient type.


He turned in his chair and focused on the door. A smile coming to his face, she's here.

Despite her getting married to someone that wasn't him. He couldn't bring himself to be mad at her. In fact, he blames this whole mess on himself. Truthfully, he should of snatched her up the moment she walked right through the door when they first met.

He won't make the same mistake again.

"Come in."

Standing up, and making sure his clothes were in order, y/n came in a moment later and closed the door behind her.

"Master, I'm sure you're already aware, but I'm afraid I'll be leaving the Gojo estate in a few days, so.. if you want.. would you like to start looking for a new maid to assist you?"

His eyes scanned her for a moment. Completely and utterly enraptured by her mere presence.

"Of course. Though it'll be a shame to lose you."

Y/n smiled and shook her head, "I'm honestly not that good of a maid."

"Nonsense, if you were terrible, I would of kicked you out a long time ago."

That was a lie. Gojo would have never done that. He would of held onto her that much tighter. The mere thought of throwing her out sickens him.

Because in every single life she lived, she didn't get a happy ending. Even when she was reborn as his granddaughter.. at the end of it all. She had to die.

Just like how she has to die now.

She was in love with another man. Is being tainted by another man's touch. The two of them have to start over. Its the only way for things to be set right.

"You're always so kind to me, Master."

"Then why don't you stay?"

"Well.. even though I love working here. I want to, well, you know... be closer to Sukuna."

He felt his jaw clench, "that so?"

"Yes, I love him very much!"

"Does he do anything for you?"

She paused and frowned a little. Head tilting to the side as she thought over his question, "what do you mean?"

"What i mean is... what does he do for you? How did you fall in love with him?"

"Oh! Well thats easy! He's super nice to me, sure he was mean when we were kids, but all that changed when we got super close! He is always there for me and beats anyone up that messes with me! And .. how I fell in love with him ..," Gojo's eyes darkened at the lovestruck look on her face. How could she talk about another man like this?! Why can't she remember her past lives with him?! Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why-


Her gentle touch made his senses go on overdrive when she laid a hand on his arm. Her eyes filled with worry.

"Are you alright? Are you not feeling well?"

He raised his hand and cupped her cheek. His form bending down to her height slightly so his lips could press down onto her forehead.

"Yeah, I'm feeling just fine. And don't worry y/n...I'll set everything right."


"What the fuck did you do?!"

Gojo faced Sukuna, arms crossed as the latter fumed and raged like a child having lost something dear to them.

"I did nothing, i have just come here to inform you that there has been an accident and that you're wife has passed-"

Gojo tilted his head to the side, easily dodging a blast of cursed energy directed his way.

"So angry. Her loss is terrible. But we all must move on."

Sukuna cracked his knuckles, "or maybe you were just too pissed that she wasn't yours so you went ahead and killed her."

Gojo made no move to enter a fighting stance. He merely continued to look down at the man. Eyes devoid of any emotion.

"I would never kill her. At least not with reason."

"The hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"Simple, I didn't kill her, I merely see it as me fixing what has been wronged in this life. A mere accident that won't ever happen again."


Gojo turned to leave the man, but before he left, he looked over his shoulder, "oh, so I won't forget, I'll just tell you now. In her next life, stay away from her."

Sukuna didn't have time to ask what the man meant by that, as Gojo was already gone.

"Sick son of a bitch."

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