26. Of Temptress and Tempest

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Wednesday, 8th June, 1718
The Slot, Cayo Bizcayno

"Captain, sir," came a voice close above my head.

I opened my eyes to moonlight streaming through the windows and lighting the golden tresses on my chest. Then, seeing the glinting brass trumpet of the voice pipe, I realised who and where I was. After working my mouth to moisten, I replied, "Captain."

"Sir, Evans here. Midway between five and six bells of the morning watch. The brightness to the east shows the sun is rising, but from aloft, it is blocked by a horizon filled with dark clouds."

I nodded. "Does it appear to be the band I had asked to be reported?"

"Aye, sir. But for the high veil, the sky is clear from here all the way to it, like we had before Belmonda was overtaken."

"And the barometer?"

"Twenty-nine point two, sir. Steadily down. Winds now whipping the treetops and swirling the water in here."

"Thank you, Master Evans. I shall be up shortly."

"Aye, sir. Sorry to disturb."

"It is the storm which disturbs, not you."

"True, sir."

Gillian rolled her head from my shoulder, wiped her cheek and looked at the voice pipe. "Oh, dear! They can hear us up there."

"Aye, but only if they lift the cover, remove the tampion and hold an ear close."

She blew a loud breath. "That relieves me. We have said things and made sounds none but us should hear."

"Ummm!" I rolled on top of her, our mouths meeting, and after a brief, teasing exploration, I continued rolling to the edge of the bed, saying as I stood, "An appetiser. While I am up top, prepare yourself for the remainder of the courses."

"Aye, sir." She giggled and sat to watch me dress. When I began pulling on a stocking, she said, "You have no need of those for your brief time up there. Nor is the cumberbund necessary. Shirt, breeches and shoes are sufficient."

"But, the propriety?"

"Who will see you except Evans?"

"He may have Bosun and a hand or two with him."

"Hmmm, appears the King will not be there, so you have no need to dress as if being presented to Him."

I chuckled. "True."

She grinned and shook her shoulders, jouncing her bosom. "Besides, without them, it will be quicker to undress when you return."

Fast down onto my knees in front of her, I took one nubbin into my mouth and the other between my fingers, delighting in the hardening and the moans elicited. As I pulled my mouth away, I said, "An irresistible temptress. Like a Siren of Grecian myth."

"Ah, but more apt; I am Aphrodite, and you are my Adonis, the ship being your Persephone. Go see her. I shall prepare for your return."

"Oh, my! What a superb analogy."

"And your instant recognition of it shows not only your erudition but also the depth of your understanding of the arcane and abstruse."

I chuckled as I stood to finish dressing. "Are you jealous of her?"

"Hah! What comfort does she offer you that I cannot better? Her creakings and rattlings are no match for my brilliant words – nor for my passionate moans. Her heart is of oak, stolid and stoic, not beating as mine does for you. She has nothing to keep you long beyond the Styx."

Noble IntentionsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora