Chapter 24

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Y/n, or now Akami now was roaming the halls cautiously. Mei had told her to get her a canvas from the current building's art room.

" It's lunch time now... I should be fine." She said to herself, slowly opening the door.

She quickly started to panic when she saw the art teacher sitting down in his chair, having lunch.

He looked directly at her before getting out of his seat, walking over to her.

" S-Sensei! Let me explain-

" Those dumb kids. Always leaving the door open." He said, closing the door and going back to his seat.

It then hit her—he couldn't see her. No one could, besides her friends and the student body president.

She let out a sigh of relief before going to the closet, opening the door. She looked at the big package of canvases.

Grabbing one, she closed the door.

" Mission accomplishe-

" Hi there!" She turned her head slowly, her eyes widening at the figure that stood before her.

" Tsukasa..."

" You went and left for a long time, ya know that! It's been eighty four whole days and two hours!" He chuckled, smiling while inching closer to her.

" Where have you been, Y/n? I couldn't sense your spirit, made me think you were actually dead!" He chuckled.

" Tsukasa, h-

" When I showed up at the scene, you had bled out! No pulse, your body was so cold!" He continued to laugh psychotically."

" When I left to go fill your body up with other spirits, maybe in hopes to of bringing you back, your body was gone. Had other apparitions fed on your flesh? Had they taken you hostage, to spite one of the wonders? Tear your head off and leave it to rot?! So many things I wondered in 84 days!" He laughed.

" Hey..." She walks towards him and pulls him into a hug.

His eyes widen " You're so strange, Y/n."

" I'm sorry..." She whispered, having been so happy to see a familiar besides Mei's in so long.

" Come on." Tsukasa grabbed Y/n's hand and took her to the hallway.

Y/n looks at Tsukasa, who had a completely normal ' Tsukasa' face.

She sighed " Where are we going?"

" Huh? To the broadcasting room, or course!" He smiled.

Her eyes widen slightly and she stops in her tracks.

" That isn't possible." She says.

" Hm? But why not?" He asks, letting go of her hand and floating behind her.

" It's... complicated." She sighed again.

" Ohh... I see." He smiled.

She looked at him as she walked back into the classroom, going to the closet and grabbing a lot more canvases.

" I only needed three..." She says.

" Why have three when you can have six thousand!"

" That's four..."

" That's close to six thousand!"

" Right..."

They both walked to the abandoned art room.

" Hi there, Number four!" Tsukasa gave her a blacked eyed smile.

" What are you doing here...?" She asked.

" Is he not allowed to be here?" Y/n asked.

" It's great seeing you here!" Tsukasa said, dropping all the canvases except one.

He placed the canvas on the floor.

In one swift motion, he rips Mei's heart out.

" Tsukasa!" Y/n yells, her eyes widening at the sight.

" You aren't allowed to make contracts. Understand?" He asked, looking straight into Mei's eyes.

Mei let out a shaky breath.

Y/n grabbed Tsukasa's arm, causing him to release Mei's heart.

" Why would you do that?!" She asks him.

" Because... you have a contract with someone else. And that's not fair." He smiled.

" What are you talking about? No we aren't." She said, her breath shaky,

" Oh, but we are. You see, Y/n...

You and I have a contract written in blood..."

It's been a while☺️

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