Chapter 22

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Y/n opened her eyes.

' Where am I? I thought I was dead...'

" Your awake." A sudden voice said.

Y/n turned around to see No.4.

" Mei..."

" Indeed. That was pretty reckless! Stabbing yourself like that. Just what were you trying to pull?" Mei asked as her face rested in both of her hands.

" I don't know... am I... dead?" She asked while looking at her see- through hands.

" Yep! I turned you into an apparition. And there's only one thing left to do!" Mei said as she picked up her sketch book.

" Huh? What is it?" Y/n asked curiously.

Mei drew something and then showed Y/n. It was a heart.

Mei then pulled it out of the paper and handed it to Y/n.

" Huh?"

" Go on. Enjoy." She smiled.

With Tsukasa...

" I'm boredddddd! Sakura, when's Y/n coming back?" Tsukasa asked her.

" She isn't. I told you already." She replied.

" Look, runt. Why don't you go back outside and play in the rain like you used to?" Natsuhiko suggested.

" Is Y/n going?" He asked.

" Well n-

" Then no!" Tsukasa whined as he continued to float around the room.

" I'm bored! I'm bored! I'm boredddddddd! When is Y/n coming back??" He whined as he floated around the room.

Sakura ignored him, still upset about Y/n's death but didn't show it.

With Yashiro...

" I'm glad summer finals are over. At least we don't have to take remedial classes." She sighed.

" Right!" Kou smiled.

They both looked back at Hanako who was sitting at the window, not saying a word.

" He's been quiet ever since we got back." Yashiro said.

" It's because of Y/n..." Kou replied.

" What even happened anyway?" Kou asked her.

" Well..."


" Wait really?" Kou asked in disbelief.

" I had no idea... Y/n died..." Kou said while looking down, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

" It was my fault. I was the one who told her my dreams... but I didn't know she would do that." Yashiro sniffled.

" Senpai..."

" The murder weapon was mine. If there's anyone to blame, it should be me." Hanako said suddenly.

" No..."

" Wait. If Y/n's dead then does that mean she was reborn as an apparition?" Kou asked, making Hanako's eyes widen.

" Now that you mention it, I've never really felt her spirit disappear. It is likely." Hanako said, a tiny glimmer of hope in his eyes.

" Really?!" Yashiro asked in an excited tone.

" Possibly." Hanako said.

" Well why're we just standing here? We have to go look for Y/n!" Kou said, Yashiro nodding.

" That does seem like a good idea. Though, we shouldn't get our hopes up. Her spirit might fade soon." Hanako said as he stood up from the window.

" Let's go!"

Hi there🥰
I know you guys don't to think I'm so cruel to leave you guys on that cliffhanger in the other story🤭 But now I've grabbed your attention!
I love you guys. Thanks so much for reading my story/stories. I never knew that the story would get over 1K reads. So thanks so much. Have a fun filled Friday!

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