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"As you all know," Yusuf Othman was making an announcement at the table, "Aariz and Laiba's reception is set to take place with Areesha and Rehaan's in the Othman House two days from now."

Laiba gave an awkward tight-lipped smile to anyone who glanced her way at the mention of her reception whereas Aariz's back was being rubbed, head was being patted and hair was being ruffled while he sat there looking annoyed at all the unwanted attention and uncalled physical touch.

"Hopefully, this will end the endless speculations going around in the society regarding their relationship." He was saying.

Everyone nodded.

"Some important guests are expected to make an appearance at the event along with our close family and friends. For ours and their safety measures, no external media would be allowed. We will make an official statement regarding Aariz and Laiba's marriage through the media house we have appointed for the day. And all your social media will be managed by our security team."

This earned a series of groans from the youngsters across the table.

"I'm aware of your objections but you all left me with no choice. You've been too careless at the wedding and have leaked some of our family photos and videos to the public." He tried justifying why he was doing it.

"There were zero security measures taken at the wedding from the groom's side. It wasn't us." Aariz remarked, making heads turn towards him, "Ours was well taken care of."

The youngsters bobbed their heads in his favour.

"During our visit to Rehaan's mansion for the pre-wedding ceremony, not only were we swarmed by the paparazzi but also by their guests which honestly was disappointing. I blame the groom's side for whatever media got leaked from the wedding." He finished his statement by balling a tissue paper and throwing it on the plate.

"Yes. Yes"

"It was them."

"It was crazy."

"I blame them too."

"I second that."

Some of his cousins backed his claims.

"Disappointing, indeed." Yusuf Othman held his chin high and continued, "Well, we can't go back and change what's done but we can surely not make the same mistake."

"Exactly." Aariz placed his arms on the table and intertwined his fingers in front of him, "Instead of managing our socials why don't you take precautions and cover their cameras at the gates? You know, 'No cameras allowed'." He made an 'X' mark with his arms.

Laiba looked between Aariz and Yusuf Othman who were staring at each other challengingly.

This was the clash Habeeba had told her about.

How had she not noticed this until now?

"He's right."

"Why should we hand over our socials when they are the problem?" Said Burhaan, boldly.

He was following his brother's footsteps. Laiba thought but couldn't help smiling.

"That makes sense," Habeeba called out next to her.

Aariz leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms victoriously while Yusuf Othman studied all of their faces, one after the other.

With a sharp intake of breath, he spoke up again, "Alright! We will discuss this later. Let's get back home for now." He dismissed them.


Habeeba and Laiba didn't talk about Aariz on their way back home.

Damsel In Distress (COMPLETED✓)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt