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The next morning, Laiba woke up with a mission.

She was determined to find out what went down between Aariz and Meher.

Last night, when she was trying to sleep, all she could hear was Meher's voice, the song she had sung, playing on a loop in her ears. And all she could see was the burning image of their wedding portrait.

Aariz had denied the accusations she sang at the party and claimed that it was the other way around, leaving her confused.

And when she had asked him about it, he had refused to tell her his story, making her only more curious.

Until yesterday, she wasn't even interested in knowing their story. Whenever the thought crossed her mind, she disregarded it by convincing herself that they were divorced and it was all in the past.

But now that his past had made a comeback in his life and was disrupting the present, she thought she had the right to know what she was dealing with.


They were going back to Dehradun.

Two maids were sent to Laiba's room to help her pack her bags. She refused their help and did everything on her own while they stood there watching.

She wasn't used to this kind of treatment and she wasn't planning on getting used to it.

She even packed Aariz's bags and let them take their luggage downstairs.

She checked the time on the wall clock.

She knew Aariz would be up any minute and that she had to get ready before he returned to the room.

She took a quick shower, changed into comfortable clothes and threw in a beige abaya over it. She wore sneakers for shoes and packed a book, air pods, a water bottle and a gloss in a bag pack before pulling the strap on her shoulders.

Looking in the mirror, she tied her hair into a ponytail, applied some gloss for makeup and wrapped a hijab around her head.

Once she was ready, she sat on her bed and looked around the room she had spent the last ten days in. She sadly smiled at the bittersweet memories.

A knock came on the door.

Laiba straightened her spine, bracing herself.

Aariz slid into the room in his PJs and bed hair. He stopped when he saw Laiba seated on the edge of the bed, all dressed up, looking at him with her innocent eyes.

He had yet to figure out whether that was how her eyes were or if she was intentionally making them look like it.

He tore his eyes from hers and crossed the room, making his way towards the walk-in closet.

Laiba stood up abruptly and followed him.

He opened the wardrobe to find it empty except for a navy blue sweatshirt and a pair of beige pants folded neatly in a square and kept next to a watch and a pair of shoes.

Aariz squinted his eyes, "Did you-" He slowly turned around.

Laiba was already standing there, ready with an answer.

"Yes. They sent some people to help me pack our bags. I told them you were out on a run. I knew you'd need a change of clothes so I saved these." She recited as if she had rehearsed it several times.

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