Chapter fifteen

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Audriana pov 

Even after all that we have had, I still don't regret a single thing the next morning when I wake up with Leah in my arms. Sure, Leah and I have both had other people, we've both had our own separate experiences of thinking we were in love. But when her and I are together, so close and connected like we were last night, things are so different. Maybe, I'm crazy for thinking that one day we could actually be something. 

"We have to get up" Leah says quickly as she jumps out of bed, throwing clothes on. It was obvious that girl did not feel the same way. 

Okay, So maybe I am crazy. 

"What time is it?" I grumble into the pillows, incoherently. 

"11, we were supposed to be at breakfast two hours ago Audrey" Leah shouts, throwing a pair of clothes at me as she buckles her jeans 

"Fuck" I sigh as I jump out of bed, my body shivering as the cold air hits it bare. Taking the clothes that Leah threw at me, I am quick to put them on before meeting the blonde in the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. Knowing damn well, I needed too after last nights activities. 

"You don't have time for makeup, we have to go" Leah tells me as she watches me go to grab my makeup bag 

"I'm not being seen in public looking like a fucking zombie" I defend "Plus, Im sure you want to cover those hickeys, no?" 

"I'm good, thanks" Leah says with a smirk, I roll my eyes as I rush to put mascara on. I'm sure it looks like I slept with it on and it would've looked better had I done nothing. 

The car ride to the restaurant is brutal, the loudest silence could ever be; Even with Tim McGraw playing in the background. We stick to our respective sides of the car, I'm curled up in a ball on the seat as I stare out the window with Leah on the other side, her eyes glued to her phone. I'm sure the Uber driver can feel our tension, I almost feel bad for him. 

I want to ask about last night, I know I shouldn't. 

it was a one time thing, right? Wrong. 

"Gracias Señor" I thank the Uber driver, it is obvious in my voice that I am thanking him for more than just the ride and he smiles at me. Leah is quick to get out of the car, causing me to have to run after her. She wants her space, she's thinking about last night and I know it. It shouldn't have happened, I should've stopped it. But if I had stopped it, we probably would have been in the same position we are now anyway. The awkward silence, full of regret and tension. 

"Where the hell were you two?" Katie asks as we walk in, their food already eaten. 

"You alright?" Alexia asks me as I slide into the booth next to her, the space between Leah and I very prominent. 

"Tired" Is all I say

"Ya know, the walls are very thin" Alexia whispers in my ear, a smirk on her face as she drinks her water. My head snaps up at her words and I just stare at her, not knowing what exactly to say. I forgot that her and Jenni were our neighbors, but she is also acting as if we had not overheard their fun a few days prior. 

"Jordan" I hear Leah say, my head snaps from Alexia to the other side of the table in a heartbeat. I watch Caitlyn walk in with Jordan and I'm sure my heart stops. The way Leah and her look at each other, it is how I know that last night was 100% a mistake and I will never be able to compete with her. 

I see everybody's gazes switch between Leah and Jordan, especially when Leah gets up and embraces her in a hug that lasts too long in my opinion. The look switches from Leah and Jordan to me when they kiss, and my heart breaks a little more. 

Everyone at that table had known that something was going on between me and the blonde, our constant need for the others touch, our not so secret glances and our flirtatious comments. Everyone at the table watches my reaction as I look at the two England soccer players kiss, before pulling away, Leah inviting her to sit next to her. She's acting as if I'm not sitting at the same table as her, watching this interaction take place. She doesn't even have the balls to send a glance my way. She's acting as if last night with me had never happened, as if she hadn't started it all. 

My marks on Leah's neck, her marks on mine, and our clothes still litter the floor from last night. 

"Adio Mio" Alexia whispers as she places a comforting hand on my thigh, I look down as I move my hair to cover my neck even more, suddenly feeling insecure in the skin that I wear. I had thought they broke up, why would Leah take me to Ibiza if Jordan was here the whole time, why had she kissed me last night? 

Or maybe this is just my bad karma for getting with Gio the first night. 

A/N - I'm so sorry this update took so long and I'm especially sorry for all the hearts broken and tears shed this chapter. I know I cried writing the ending. 


I fucking love you guys, you have no idea. 

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