Chapter three

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Audriana pov 

"Where is my mini me?" I ask as we enter the house, I had expected Jenson to have our old babysitter watching her and them awaiting us at the door when we came back. So to see an empty house was a little shocking, and unnerving to say the least. 

"Amanda's watching her" Jenson says casually, as if there was no issue with that. Which i'm sure for them there wasn't, for me - a big issue. 

"Oh thats...cute I guess" I say, I'm sure my tone was filled with confusion and disappointment. I quickly grab my bag and make a run for upstairs, where my bedroom was. Running away from my problems was a bad habit, it was something I was used to doing by now. Fortunately, Chase and I were the only people who had bedrooms upstairs. Growing up that was amazing because he and I were the closest in age, the amount of times we would help each other sneak out to go to parties was insane and something I would always remember. 

Although now, his room was now a guest room as Jenson had his own apartment. Noah, Chase and my father shared the upstairs, meaning I was all alone down here. Currently, I was thankful for that fact but something told me I probably wouldn't be for much longer. 

"Can you grab Isabella for me? I have a meeting and I need to get on this call like now" Jenson says as he barges into my room in a hurry, his tone screaming urgent. 

"Dude, knock" I scold him "Yeah, I'll grab her"

"You are a godsend, I love you" He says kissing my forehead before running out and downstairs. I roll my eyes at him before deciding to take a quick shower. I was not going to see Amanda for the first time in over ten years looking like I just walked out of a strip club. Amanda was someone who I would consider a motherly figure, she had always looked out for our family and for that we were all incredibly grateful for. 

Within a half hour, I find myself walking across the street. Finding the newly paved road very interesting as I walk up to the familiar doorstep. I remember being 15 years old and puking in these very bushes or the many times Leah would sneak me in through their window in the living room, the ones right about the couch. The flowers were still lively as they were years ago, but they were different now. It seemed like everything had that description. 

lively, but different. 

I let out a sigh as I ring the doorbell, stuffing my hands into my sweatpants as I wait nervously. The sound of the door opening makes me perk my head up, I wish I didn't. I wish I never agreed to come pick Isabella up as I see who opens the door, and I'm sure they had almost identical thoughts running through their head. 

"Audriana" She says in shock, almost questioning as if it was me "What are you doing here?"

"Jenson sent me to pick up Isabella" I finally stutter out as I am able to find my words 

"I meant here, in England" She says more sternly as she crosses her arms over her chest, if looks could kill...i'd be 6 feet in the ground next to my mother who had to have been rolling in her grave right now. 

"I have a few months off, figured I'd come see my family" I tell her calmly

"That's a new one" She says rolling her eyes as she shakes her head "Bella is in the living room with my mum and Jacob"

"Thank you" I say as I walk in, Leah making sure to close the door behind me and not gently either. 

"Who was here?" Amanda shouts to Leah, I take a few seconds to let it all soak in. There were so many pictures of the 6 of us as kids, pictures of my brothers with Jacob and separate ones of me with Leah. They even had my albums all framed on a wall next to Leah's jerseys for Arsenal and England. 

"Hey Bella, I think someones here to see you" Leah says, putting on her best act as I can barely get my thoughts together. 

"Aunt Ana" Izzy shouts as she runs into my arms, I laugh as I spin her in a circle and kiss her cheek. It was now that I realized how much I missed them. It was hard to miss something you didn't often have but now, it just made me miss it all more. 

"Oh babygirl" Amanda says as I put Isabella down, I look at her and see her hand covering her mouth in shock as tears form in her eyes. Jacobs jaw dropped as he just stares at me. I was thankful for their reactions being better than Leahs, I could deal with her hating me but disappointing Amanda? I could never deal with that pain. 

"Hi Mumma, how are you?" I ask as I hold her tightly 

"So much better now" She says as she holds my face in her hands, examining my features to see what has changed and what hasn't. "You got so big, so fast"

"So did baby Jacob, when did you get tall?" I ask with a laugh as I look at the boy I once had considered a little brother to me. 

"Look at you, shorter than Leah now" Jacob jokes as he hugs me "Who would've thought?" 

"Shut up" I groan as I push him off of me 

"Congratulations on your awards" Jacob says as he smiles at me

"Thank you" I say 

"We were all watching last night, how did your publicist react?" Jacob asks

"Well I ran away to another country and I've been dodging her calls so, I guess well find out" I tell them, the laughs only lasting a second before Leah decides to speak up

"Seems to be the only thing you good at" She snarks, immediately being scolded by Amanda, I want to say something back, I do. But I could never say anything rude to her, nothing bad even came to mind as I saw her standing there, playing with the little hairs on my nieces head. 

"Can't argue with that one" I tell her as I look at her sadly, she seems confused as to why I don't say anything. When we were kids it was always me speaking my mind, specifically in school or yelling at the refs when they made a bad call during one of Leah's games. 

"Is daddy home too?" Isabella asks, breaking the silence 

"He is, do you want to go see him?" I ask her, watching as her eyes sparkle and she nods profusely "I should get her home, thank you for watching her last night" 

"Anytime" Amanda says, pulling me in for another hug 

"Bye Nonna, Bye Uncle Jacob" Bella shouts "Goodbye Auntie Leah, I love you" 

Now, I'm not going to lie. Hearing her call them by those titles did send shivers down my spine, and not in a good way. When I left here, I never thought that we would have this. I never thought that are families would stay close but maybe I should've, I remember hearing the stories of Amanda and my mom being best friends. I know my mom would want Isabella to have a grandma as she would want us to have a motherly figure, and who better than Amanda? But hearing her call the girl I had been in love with since I was a teenager, her aunt? That was rough. 

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