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The Secrets Between Us-05





Third Person POV

"Kang Y/n!!"

"Come on, sleepyhead!"

"Please, wake up, huh?"

"Wake up or I will spill water on you!!"

The morning banter continued, a playful chorus of voices urging you out of your slumber.

Your sister's persistence was relentless.

"Five more minutes, baby cat!" you groaned, nestling deeper into your blankets, hoping for a few more moments of reprieve.

"I'm getting water. Y/n, I'm really serious. Get up or... I'm going to get some water!" she warned, her determination evident in her voice.

You could hear the determined footsteps approaching the bathroom, and the threat of a sudden dousing finally jolted you to full wakefulness.

"NO!!!" you cried out, scrambling out of bed in a mix of panic and haste.

"Finally! Now get up. We have to be at school by 7:00 am. We can't miss the bus!" she admonished, leaving your room with a triumphant grin.

You let out a sigh and proceeded with your morning routine, the early hour still feeling like a small rebellion against the world.


Stepping out of the shower, you felt the refreshing cascade of water chase away the last vestiges of sleep.

The bathroom mirror reflected your determined expression; today was the beginning of something exciting.

Downstairs, the aroma of a warm breakfast greeted you.

Your mother, the architect of these culinary delights, was busy arranging dishes on the table.

Your father, engrossed in the morning news, glanced up, his face lighting up as he saw you.

"Good morning, Y/n-ah!" your mother chimed in, her warmth infectious.

"Good morning, Mom. Good morning, Dad," you replied, your voice infused with a touch of morning cheer.

You couldn't help but notice your sister, nestled on the couch, caught in that hazy state between sleep and wakefulness.

It seemed she had played a role in both your awakening and your father's morning routine.

Suppressing a giggle, you settled beside her, giving her an affectionate nudge.

"What the fuck Y/n!"


"Bye, cuties!" your dad called, waving from the driver's seat as he prepared to take you all to school.

Today marked the beginning of an exciting week-long trip to Thailand.

"Bye, Dad."

"Take care of our baby cat, okay?" he reminded, casting an affectionate glance at Haerin.

"Okay, Dad," you promised, sharing an amused smile with your sister.

"I'm not a cat!" she protested, feigning indignation.

As you walked into the school with your sister, the courtyard buzzed with the anticipatory energy of students embarking on an adventure.

"Hey, I'm off. There's Minji unnie. Bye!"

Haerin announced, offering you a quick pat on the shoulder before dashing off to join her friends, bag in hand.

"Where's mine?" you wondered, your eyes scanning the area for familiar faces.

Before you could embark on your search, a voice sounded behind you.

"Are you looking for someone, Kang Y/n?"

You recognized the voice immediately.

"Yes. And  i think I found one of them!" you exclaimed, turning to Sullyoon, who stood by your side.

"Good to hear. Shall we find others together?" she suggested, to which you eagerly agreed.

"Alright, let's go," you nodded, excitement building.


"Haerin, you finally made it!" Hanni exclaimed, pulling your sister into a warm hug.

"Yeah, we were running a bit behind because of Y/n. They was just being too lazy," Haerin shared, a playful glint in her eye.

"Hmm, your sibling is just like you," Minji teased, eliciting an eye roll from Haerin.

"But I'm better, Kang. Kang Haerin!" she declared proudly, prompting laughter from the group.

"I don't think so... I think Kang Y/n is better!" Hyein playfully argued.

Haerin let out an exaggerated huff.

"I'm really serious. Kang Y/n is better. Aren't you, Hanni unnie?" Hyein pressed, but Hanni seemed lost in thought.

"Hanni unnie?" Hyein called again, and Hanni snapped back to attention.

"Huh?" she said, a touch flustered.

"Geez, unnie, pay attention! I'm asking you again, isn't Kang Y/n better?" Hyein pressed.

Kang Y/n—evidently a captivating topic for Hanni.

Hanni found herself at a loss for words.

"Say I'm better!"

"Yeah, they are."

Haerin and Hanni conceded in unison, sending the group into a fit of laughter.

"We're Kang Y/n stans forever!" Hyein cheered.

while Haerin shot Hanni a pouty look for admitting that you were better.

"But guys, where's our Mo Dani, by the way?" Minji inquired, drawing everyone's attention to the missing member of their group.






(To be continued)

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