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The Secrets Between Us - 01





Third Person POV

The morning sun filtered through your curtains, casting a warm golden hue across your room.

It was a typical day, one that unfolded with familiar routines: the rush to school, the cadence of lectures, and the laughter shared with friends.

It was, by all accounts, just an ordinary day.

"Y/n, are you ready?" your younger sister Haerin chimed, her voice carrying a hint of impatience.

"Yeah... just give me a moment," you replied, deftly knotting your tie.

"Alright, I'll be downstairs!" she declared, the door gently clicking shut behind her.

With final farewells exchanged, you were about to step out when your best friend, Jungwon, made his entrance.

"Hello, good morning Y/n-ssi!" he greeted, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Good morning to you too," you responded, a small smile tugging at your lips.

He slung an arm around your shoulder, the two of you setting off towards your first class.

As you walked, Jungwon couldn't help but broach a topic that had seemingly captured the school's attention.

"Have you heard the gossip about Hanni Pham?" he inquired, a mischievous grin playing on his face.

"You know I don't pay much attention to these things," you admitted.

"I know, but have you heard?" he persisted.

"No, I haven't. What's happened?" you asked, turning to look at him.

"She's supposedly dating. Many students are saying that it's someone from our rival school!" Jungwon shared, a note of intrigue lacing his words.

"From (name of the academy) academy?" you questioned, your curiosity piqued.

"Hmm, that's what many students are saying. It might just be true," he speculated.

"But what if it's not?" you mused. "Who knows... whatever," he shrugged.

Meanwhile, Hanni navigated the hallways with practiced grace, deftly avoiding the inquisitive gazes directed her way.

In her classroom, she settled into her seat, the air pregnant with unspoken questions. Minji, her steadfast companion, sidled over.

"Pham bro, hi," Minji greeted, her smile warm and conspiratorial.

"Hanni, about that rumor—" she began, only to be swiftly interrupted.

"Hi..." Hanni interjected.

"Hanni, about that rumor—" Minji tried once more, only to be met with Hanni's determined gaze.

"It's a false rumor!" Hanni declared firmly. "Is it?" Minji queried, seeking assurance, and Hanni nodded resolutely.

"He's just my cousin, nothing more," she clarified.

"Phew, bro. I thought you were really dating someone from our rival academy!" Minji sighed in relief.


[Time Skipped]

In the cafeteria, the buzz of conversation filled the air, punctuated by bursts of laughter and animated gestures.

Jungwon, ever the bearer of news, couldn't contain his enthusiasm.

"Everyone, listen up! Hanni's rumor—it's not true!"

"I heard he was her cousin?" Bae chimed in, eyes wide with intrigue.

"Yes, Minji says that he's Hanni's cousin," Sullyson confirmed.

"What if she is dating her cousin?" Jini pondered aloud.

"Well, technically, she can date her cousin. It's not illegal," Sullyoon remarked.

"But he's still from our rival academy!" Jungwon injected.

You, however, found yourself uninterested in this melodrama.

"Why should we even concern ourselves with someone else's love life?" you mused.

"Y/n's got a point," Sullyoon agreed, nodding in agreement.

"It's just... so captivating," Jungwon argued.

"Yeah, right," Bae added with a nonchalant shrug.

"I'm going to excuse myself. I need some fresh air. You guys can continue dissecting someone else's romantic affairs," you declared, rising from your seat.

With swift goodbyes, you made your way to the rooftop—a sanctuary known only to your closest confidants.

As you settled into your spot, the cityscape spread out before you, a tranquil backdrop to your thoughts.

Then, amidst the gentle rustling of leaves, you heard voices drifting towards you, carried on a breeze that seemed to hold its breath.

"Yeah, I lied to them. They believed me. You and I are safe now. Okay, bye. I love you," the voice murmured, filled with both relief and affection. As the speaker turned, their eyes met yours, wide with shock and realization.

It was Hanni Pham.






( To be continued )

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