Change of behaviour

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You are sitting at the dining table, having breakfast with your mom and dad. There is complete silence at the table, the sound of spoons clinking can be heard clearly. Your dad is reading newspapers and your mother is busy on social media.

You are peacefully eating your pancakes when your mother speaks. " I can't believe what happened at Mr. Lee son's wedding. "

Hearing your mom, you stop chewing the pancake, and nervously gulp down the orange juice in your mouth.

your dad just humm while reading the newspaper. Your mother continues, “That girl, I was not feeling right with that girl since the beginning when she bumped into me and ran away. Thank God our Y/N is not like that girl."

Hearing your name being mentioned, you choke on your juice and start sneezing.

“Y/N what are you doing? Eat your food slowly” your mother says and passes you the tissue.

You take a tissue and clean up the spilled juice. After cleaning you get up from your chair. " Mom, Dad, I am going to university. " You tell them. You take your bag and walk out of the house.

As you were about to walk towards the bus stop, you saw three familiar figure standing opposite side of your house.

You quietly made your way over them and stand behind.

"You go Jungkook! " Taehyung pushes him towards the gate but Jungkook doesn't move from his place at all.

Jungkook turns to Taehyung. " Why do I have to go? Jimin had suggested that we should take Y/N along, so he should go in." He says pointing at Jimin.

Jimin gives Jungkook an offended look and said, “I suggested but you two agreed without even thinking for a second.”

All three of them were busy pushing each other at the gate, when you tapped Taehyung's shoulder.

" Wait a second” Taehyung says and pushes Jungkook forward, you tap his shoulder again and he looks back.

" I said wait- " Taehyung was speaking but his eyes widened when he saw you. " Oo my namjisus!! y/n where did you come from."

Hearing Taehyung calling your name, Jimin and Jungkook also turned back.

You looked at three while smiling and said. " Morning"

Jimin looks ahead at the gate and then back at you while pointing a finger."How are you here, I didn't see you coming out." He questions in confusion.

"Well this isn't my house," you say looking at the house in front, you turn around and poin to the opposite side. " that house is mine."

You informed them and all three boys' faces turn red in embarrassment at the thought that they had been fighting at the door of the wrong house for so long.

Jimin clears his throat in embarrassment and asks you, "Well, since you're already out, let's go to university together."

You didn't think too much about it and agreed. As you walk the boys rush quickly towards your side to walk beside you.

Jungkook walks to your left and Taehyung walks to your right, passing you a big smile While Jimin pouts that he should have been next to you because he asked you to come with them.You find it strange to see the behavior of boys, usually they do not do such things, so what happened that today they are behaving like this?You think. Your mind goes back to the wedding incident where you were so close to them. You quickly shut off that thought and focus on walking.

You reached the university and went to the locker and they follow you from behind. You were putting your books in the locker when Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi come.

" Where did you three go this morning?" Seokjin asks to the maknea Line.

Taehyung tells that they had some work so they left early in the morning and your house was on the way so they called you to come along to the university.

" Okay, so that's why you three were spending so much time in the bathroom in the morning to get ready." Hoseok asks raising an eyebrow.

Jungkook laughs nervously and says. “No- no. Why would we dress up to pick up Y/N. ”

"That's not what I meant to say, I was just saying that you had to go for some work, that's why you took so much time to get ready. I didn't even mention y/n's name." Hoseok said, squinting his eyes.

" Oh- oh " Jungkook says while blushing.

"Then That's means they were getting ready for Y/N." Yoongi says in matter-of-the-fact voice.

Now even Jimin and Taehyung's faces turn red after listening to Yoongi.

All three of them denial Yoongi's words and you just stand there watching boys talking about you as if you are not even here.

" Hey Y/n " you hear a familiar voice. When you turn, Chae-won was standing behind you with a smile.

" Oh chae-won, Good morning" You wish her with a smile.

Chae-won comes near you and seeing the boys arguing, she gives you a questioning look.

You shrug your shoulders and say, “Nothing, Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin came to my house in the morning to pick me up, so Yoongi is teasing them about this. I guess.”

"Ohh" Chae-won mumble and goes towards her locker.

You watching chae-won go without saying anything while speaking to yourself "Did something happened to her? "

Lunch time comes and you all eat while talking at the lunch table.

" Y/N Did you know that the theme of this year's fresher's party is Royal Ball. " Namjoon asks you.

" Rwally " You say with your mouth full of food.

Yoongi takes a tissue and wipes the sauce off your mouth." Don't talk with full mouth" He says and starts eating his food.

You look at Yoongi with wide eyes, shocked by his action.

" What" Yoongi asks seeing your expression.

You just shook your head and clean your mouth with your sleeve.

" Such a kid." You hear him mumbling under his breath but you didn't respond, feeling awkward from his earlier action.

You turn your focus back to eating when Namjoon speaks. "Since you didn't know about the ball party, you also might not have thought about your date for the ball night." He questions rubbing his neck.

You answer no and all boys on the table smile wide. As Namjoon about to ask something again, chae-won accidentally spills her soup on you.

You quickly stand up from your seat, feeling warm liquid in your leg.

"Y/N are you okay? Seokjin asks as Hoseok gets up from beside you and help you to cleans your clothes with a tissue.

You wave your hands in the 'It's OK' gesture.

" Are you blind" Yoongi hissed at chae-won as she apologized to you.

" It's OK guys! The soup wasn't hot, I am fine." You assure everyone.

You were about to tell Chae-won that it was not her fault, accidents happen to everyone, but before you could say anything, She got up from the table and left.

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