Basketball girl

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Jimin POV

I sit beside the basketball girl as she was laying unconscious on infirmary bed. I didn't meant to hit her with ball, I was just frustrated that we lost so I kicked the ball in frustration. I don't know how the ball hit her, I even shouted at her to watch out but before she could react the ball knocked her out. Looking her laying unconscious on bed make me feel guilty.

She looks so peaceful like she was sleeping. Her eyelashes were touching her face. Her pointed nose look so cute, that i wanted to pinch it. Her lips looks so sof- wait what I m thinking. Firstly I knocked her out and now I m staring her like a pervert person. I blink my eyes to get out my mind out off those thoughts.

After ten minutes she started regaining consciousness. Seeing her regaining consciousness, I stood up from my seat and went near her.

" Are you okay?? " I asked her softly. She didn't replied anything just groan in pain and sit on bed.

" Are you OK?? Are you feeling pain anywhere?? I asked looking her with worried face.

" I m okay, just little bit headache" She said and held her head and asked me "What happened?? How did I get here?"

" Actually I accidentally hit you with ball. I swear it was accident. I didn't meant to hurt you, yes I was frustrated with the fact that we lost but I didn't do that purposely. I swear please trust me. " I blabbered with nervousness.

When she didn't say anything, I hung my head low. I am sure she's angry at me. But instead of getting angry, I heard her laughing.

I raised my head and look at her confused. "she looks so cute while laughing " i thought.

Hearing her laughing i also smiled.

" Why are you laughing?? Did I hit your head that hard that you lose your screw. " I said jokingly with small smile on my face.

" N-no it's just you look like a child who broke his mom favourite vase with your head low. " she said controlling her laughter.

" HaHaHa very funny " i said with sarcasm. " Here I was worried about you and your laughing at me " I said while unconsciously pouting.

" Sorry! It's just you look cute." She says and i felt my cheeks were burning.

" Whatever. We should go home it's already too late. " i said while turning my back towards her so she can't see my face.

"What do you mean late? How long was I unconscious? " She said confused.

" It has been an hour since the university closed. The nurse let us stay here because you were unconscious." I replied to her. She noded in understanding and stood up.

" Can you walk? " I asked her worried that she might fall down.

" I got hit in my head not in my leg, I walk perfectly fine." She said rolling her eyes.

" I was just asking no need for being sarcastic. " i said

we both exited the university and start walking.

" where are you going??" I asked basketball girl as I saw her going on different direction.

" uhmm maybe home??" She said with pointing her thumb in direction.

" Wait for me I will drop you home." I said and run toward my bike.

" No thanks, I'm not going anywhere in bike " she says.

" why ?? Are you afraid of bikes " I said teasingly.

" N-no I m not afraid of bikes okay. It's just j-just what if you kidnapped me instead of dropping me off. " She said looking everywhere but me.

" did i hear right . The Great Basketball girl is afraid of Bikes." I says as I let out smirk on my face.

She just glare at me and snatched the helmet from my hand, she wear it on her head.

" Hop on basketball girl. I promise I won't kidnap you." I said jokingly.

She hop on the bike and held me tightly. And said, "If you drop me down, I'll kill you."

My heart started beating faster as I felt her hand on my waist hugging me.


As soon as Jimin rode the bike, I held him tightly. I was always afraid of speed.

15 min later we reached at my home and i got off the bike.

" Thank you for dropping me off." I said with small smile and remove the helmet from my head.

" Your welcome btw it was my fault that you are late." Jimin says and take his helmet from my hands.

" I think I should go, before others started to worried about me." He said and he ride off.

I watched jimin disappearing figure Then I turned and went inside the house.

As usual no one is home. Mom and Dad must be working in the office. Aunt Choi has taken a month off for her son's i'm alone here

I went to the kitchen and found mom's note stuck on the fridge.

Sorry dear, Me and dad will not be able to come home early today, I have packed food for you in the fridge. Heat the food and eat it. Mom and dad loves you.

I read mom's letter and opened the fridge. After heating the food I sat on dinning table and started eating.

Mom and Dad never pay attention to me, so I became a spoiled brat.I thought maybe this would make mom and dad notice me But that didn't happen because they don't care what I do.When I did not get attention at home, I sought attention in university.But later when things went wrong for me, I realized that the people who used to pay attention to me didn't even care about me. They only cared about my popularity.I have made many mistakes in the past but this time I will not do anything like that. If someone doesn't care about me then I don't care about them either.

Thoughts surrounded my head. I feel like I've lost my appetite. I stood up from chair leaving my half eaten dinner in table and walked towards my room.

" Is future gonna be okay" i said to myself and fall asleep in my bed.

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