89: Happy Surprise

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Children at this age don't understand anything yet, and it's when they need care. The teachers in the kindergarten always take care of the cubs very strictly.

Even if one person is not present during group activities, they will feel frightened.

Especially Lili.

Teacher Liang sighed softly when he saw the cub returning to school. He was very worried whether Xiaoli would be like before, making noises and throwing things around. As a teacher, She has the responsibility of comforting the children and tidying up.

What she was worried about was that she was afraid that other children would be frightened by Lili.

But for several days, Lili couldn't be obedient.

When I was learning Pinyin in class, I would quietly raise my head and listen quietly. Sometimes the teacher would ask questions and I would respond with other children.

He won't be silent like before.

Every day at noon, she would line up behind the other children in order, and the line would move forward slowly. When it was Lili's turn to get the lunch box, although she was a little embarrassed, she would also whisper that she didn't like this, could she change it? one.

Becoming a bit picky about food.

When doing recreational activities in the afternoon, I no longer sit in the corner and read fairy tale books. I will lie on the table, follow the teacher's guidance, pick up a crayon and slowly paint on the paper.

Even if my understanding of the game is a little slow, I will try my best to cooperate and play the game with everyone.

Although every time she played eagle to catch the chicken, Lili was always the first to be caught by her.

Teacher Liang couldn't help but laugh.

But something strange is that the black-haired cub seems to have suddenly become the center of attention among the children.

This was the third time she caught other children secretly giving snacks to Lili during class.

Shili blushed and shook his head in embarrassment, but the candies and chocolates returned to his hands.

Finally, I had to tell Teacher Liang about this problem.

During group activities, some children would take the initiative to play with Lili. They would sit on the carpet in the toy room, build blocks, put together puzzles, and play house.

Teacher Liang couldn't help but mention it to his colleagues today.

The colleague thought for a while and asked, "Is that the youngest child in your class? The one who looks weird and pretty, like a doll?"

Teacher Liang said hurriedly, "Yes, how do you know?"

The colleague took out his mobile phone and handed it over. , "Watch it for yourself, this variety show has been on the homepage for two months, how come you haven't heard of it yet."

Teacher Liang glanced at the screen doubtfully and said, "I strongly recommend this parent-child travel variety show... this What is it?"

She only had time to watch a trailer before going to the kindergarten to pick up the children who came to school today and take the cubs back to the kindergarten campus.

I was busy until lunch, when I had time to look at my phone.

Once you see it, you can't stop.

After finishing the meal with the children at noon, Teacher Liang took her eyes away from her mobile phone, "Are the children sleepy? Go to the lunch room with the teacher to sleep." She narrowed her eyes slightly, "You can't do it during the lunch break -"

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