27: Sick

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When I was sick, the second floor of my home was in a semi-open arc shape. The living room on the first floor was designed with floor-to-ceiling windows. The floor height was five or six meters high. With the height of a cub, I couldn't even see the top. The curtains hung high.

On the other side is a courtyard with staggered shades of trees.

The late afternoon sunlight shines in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and through the gauze curtains, the light turns the sleeping cub lying on the sofa into a pale golden color.

The summer breeze blew in from outside the courtyard, and the living room was quiet except for the constant sound of keyboards. When Xiang Xiaoying walked in with her bag, she looked up and saw this harmonious scene.

Shi Sheng heard the footsteps of high heels behind him, turned his face and looked behind him, nodded slightly to Xiang Xiaoying, closed the computer neatly, lifted it up, stood up and prepared to leave.

Xiang Xiaoying also nodded, "Sorry, Xiao Sheng."

This morning, Xiang Xiaoying asked Shi Sheng to help take care of Li Li when she was not at home and went to the crew to film. As for whether Shi Sheng should accompany Li Li on the weekend You can decide after you go to Haishidu Rong.

Let's spend two days with Lili first to see.

It really didn't work out. Xiang Xiaoying and the director have been working hard on the plot these past two days and have finished filming most of her solo scenes. If the filming can be completed by then, she will not be unable to accompany Lili to Haishi.

Shi Sheng said, "No need." As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that this sentence was somewhat inhumane and indifferent, and added, "I should do it." Xiang Xiaoying said with a smile, "Then go ahead."

After Sheng left, Xiang Xiaoying put her bag on the coffee table with a tired look on her face. She had been hanging on the wire for a day, and her muscles and bones were sore, but she did not sit down immediately, but looked around. , pulled out a small blanket and covered the sleeping cub on the sofa.

Although it is summer now, the weather in Beijing is often unpredictable, especially for a three-year-old cub who is not in good health. The wind blowing in the living room facing the courtyard all afternoon will easily catch a cold.

Xiang Xiaoying stretched out her hand to check the temperature on the cub's forehead and felt that it was not too high, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

She had just come back from outside. The cold fingertips made Xiaoli curl up in her sleep. She murmured a few times in her sleep. The sound made by the cub was soft and soft, so blurry that she couldn't hear what she was saying. Her little fists also curled up. Together, on the face.

Then the tip of his nose suddenly twitched slightly, and his closed eyelids slowly wrinkled.

"...Chirp -" The half-asleep cub sneezed suddenly, vaguely like a chick chirping, and its little head shook with the sneeze.

The round black eyes opened in confusion.

I couldn't figure out the situation for a while.

Xiang Xiaoying looked at the dazed cub that sneezed and woke him up, and couldn't help laughing.

"Mom?" Lili sat up blankly, and the small blanket covering her body slipped down, and before she could react, another "chirp!" was heard, and the sneeze shook the cub's body.

Seeing her overjoyed mother, Xiao Li embarrassedly covered her mouth with her short hand and said dullly, "Lili sneezed, mom, don't laugh." Xiang Xiaoying said with a smile, "

Okay, okay, I'm not laughing." She took a piece of paper and wiped Lili's nose and mouth, "Next time you sleep in the living room, remember to cover yourself with a blanket, you know?"

Xiaoli was a little confused.

Xiang Xiaoying explained patiently, "Because it is easy to catch a cold when you blow the wind while sleeping. If you catch a cold, you will catch a cold. If you catch a cold, Lili will sneeze non-stop." Lili understood, "Okay, I remember it."

Xiang Xiaoying said, "Lili will have to take medicine after dinner."

Just because she slept without a quilt, there were many troublesome consequences. Lili was a little dejected, "Mom, Lili must cover herself with a quilt next time."

Yuwa successfully showed a satisfied look to Xiaoying. She took Lili upstairs, put a thin coat on him, and put some hot water in Lili's bottle for him to drink.

During dinner in the evening, Shi Sheng, who arrived late due to busy work, noticed Shi Li who was obviously looking a little shaky, and also saw the extra coat he was wearing.

Aunt Liu brought over a bowl of soup and placed it on Lili's table.

Xiang Xiaoying said, "This is the soup specially made by your Aunt Liu. Lili, drink it quickly." Aunt Liu quickly waved her hand, "Didn't Lili catch a cold? Hurry up, I will feel relieved."

Shi Sheng moved his chopsticks . The hand paused slightly.

"Thank you, aunt." The child's immunity is weak, and the disease attacks very quickly. The cub's voice has a thick nasal sound, which sounds muffled, and his delicate eyebrows are wrinkled in discomfort. I drank the soup in small sips from the small bowl, and I could still hear the sound of "gudonggudong" swallowing.

Because he had a cold and lost his appetite, after drinking a bowl of medicinal soup and eating all the vegetables and meat in the soup with auxiliary chopsticks, Lili felt a little full and burped.

The voice was so low that Xiang Xiaoying, who was sitting nearby, didn't even hear it.

Shi Li was troubled to see that his aunt still had half a bowl of rice on his dining table, while his mother gave him a half bowl of food.

He couldn't eat anymore.

But Lili promised her mother to eat well.

The black-haired cub took a deep breath and prepared to pull the half bowl of rice in front of him.

"Forget it if you can't eat it." Shi Sheng said suddenly. He stopped his chopsticks and leaned forward to move the small half bowl of rice on Shi Li's table from the cub's face. "Wait half an hour and take the medicine after digestion." Zai was stunned for a while before saying, "Okay."

Not only did Lili fail to respond, Xiang Xiaoying and Aunt Liu were also stunned. The atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became quiet. Only Shi Sheng took back his hand and continued to use his chopsticks calmly. .

Xiang Xiaoying coughed lightly, breaking the somewhat awkward atmosphere, "Lili can't eat anymore?"

Xiaoli nodded and picked his hands in confusion, "Lili will eat well next time."

Xiang Xiaoying asked. , "If you can't take it, don't take it. Listen to your brother."

Half an hour later, Shi Sheng's cell phone vibrated. He turned it off and looked at Aunt Liu, "Aunt Liu, please bring the medicine."

Xiang Xiaoying later realized that Shi Sheng's time concept was so strict that she had to take medicine on time. She stood up and said, "I'll get it. Aunt Liu, please sit down.

" After sorting out the medicine, she wanted to do it herself.

After a while, Xiaoli was holding a cup of warm water and taking the medicine that her mother had divided with a medicine divider. As soon as the pills entered her mouth, the bitter taste spread, and the cub's face turned into a ball of bitterness. .

With half a pill, Shi Li took several sips of water. After the pills were stuffed in, he also drank a glass of water. In addition to the pills, he also drank a cup of cold medicine.

Not long after drinking it, I felt sleepy due to the medicinal properties.

Xiang Xiaoying carried Lili back to the room with some worry.

Because he drank too much water, he was woken up by the water after a short sleep. The cub, whose whole body was hot from sleep, climbed out of bed in a daze, opened the bathroom door on tiptoe and went to the toilet, remembering to wipe it clean and flush it. After getting out of the water, I crawled back to sleep with difficulty.

My head felt dizzy, my nose was blocked, and my throat felt as uncomfortable as holding sand in my mouth. Because I drank too much water, my stomach was too full, and my stomach became bloated as soon as I lay down.

But I don't lie down. I feel very sleepy after taking the medicine. I still feel very hot after curling up in bed for a long time.

So sad.

The cub blinked his wet eyelids, rubbed his watery eyes, and comforted himself.

Lili does not cry.

Don't let mom worry.

It was already ten minutes later when Xiang Xiaoying discovered the cub that was hot all over the bed. She was not at ease and would take a look every few minutes. Her heart almost stopped when she saw the unconscious Lili. , touched the cub's forehead with trembling fingertips, rushed out the door in an instant, and said to the people downstairs from the second floor, "Aunt Liu?!"

Aunt Liu's loud voice immediately responded from the first floor, she hurriedly He ran to the living room on the first floor and looked at Xiang Xiaoying who was holding the railing upstairs, "What's wrong?"

Xiang Xiaoying calmed down and said simply, "Now call Uncle Li and ask him to call the family doctor of the Shi family. Take it and tell her that Lili has a fever, immediately."

Aunt Liu responded repeatedly.

Within half an hour, the family doctor hurriedly carried the medical kit upstairs. Xiang Xiaoying was waiting anxiously at the door. Lili had already put a fever-reducing patch on her forehead. As soon as she saw the family doctor, she hurriedly said, "I I just took my temperature and it has reached 38 degrees."

The family doctor said immediately, "Now we can only carry the child to the hospital for infusion, but now it is late at night, and the hospital only has emergency rooms."

Xiang Xiaoying took a deep breath In one breath, "Then I'll take Lili away now."

The family doctor raised his hand to stop him, "Don't worry, I'll check on the baby first." The doctor leaned down, put a cotton swab against the cub's tongue, and looked He looked at the condition of the tonsils inside, shined a light on the cub's eyes, and then put on a stethoscope.

Xiang Xiaoying's eyes were tired, and she was about to ask Uncle Li to prepare the car. She was going to take Lili to the hospital, but she was stunned when she turned around, "Xiao Sheng?"

Shi Sheng responded, "Doctor, my brother's condition is serious?"

The family doctor straightened up and said, "It's just a fever caused by a common cold. It's not serious. Go to the hospital and get an infusion and you'll be fine soon. Don't worry." Shi Sheng said, "Okay, let Uncle Li take you there.

" Go back."

Xiang Xiaoying said immediately, "No, Lili still has to go -"

Shi Sheng interrupted her calmly, "Take my car, I know there is a private hospital in Beijing that specializes in treating children's diseases. "

It's just a common cold. It's not such a big deal, but Shi Sheng still blurted it out subconsciously. He noticed the look in Xiang Xiaoying's eyes after he froze slightly and realized something.

Xiang Xiaoying, "It's because of Li Li's illness that you-"

Shi Sheng interrupted abruptly, "Hurry up."

Five minutes later, Xiang Xiaoying hurriedly got into Shi Sheng's car with Shi Li in her arms. , the person in the driver's seat rolled up his sleeves, revealing his lean arms, and the watch on his wrist was taken off.

Shi Sheng was already preparing to rest, but after hearing the noise outside, he went out and found that Shi Li's condition had become worse.

He stepped on the accelerator, the Mercedes made a low roar, drove out of the underground garage, left Shi's home smoothly, without navigation, and drove straight to the private hospital in his memory.

The car was quiet for a moment.

Xiang Xiaoying suddenly let out a low sigh, "I wish I had discovered something was wrong with Lili earlier."

Shi Sheng said, "Aunt Xiang, this matter is not your problem, don't blame yourself." He paused After a pause, "I'm the one who should be sorry."

"I didn't take good care of him, and I'm not suitable to take care of him. For the weekend variety show, I think I'd better-"

The person who interrupted now became Xiang Xiao Ying, "Xiao Sheng, you told me before that you asked me to ask Lili for her opinion, and I want to tell you now."

"You should ask Lili for her opinion."

"I think, is he? You will feel that you need to apologize to him."

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