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"Do you know why I refused to believe in my father's idealism?" Yang asked. His large hands caressed his wife's naked back gently and slowly, causing her to purr in satisfaction.

Fei silently shook her head against the crook of his neck and waited for him to tell her more about himself.

Fei wanted to understand him, open that cold wall which was still around his heart and heal those wounds he'd developed throughout all his life.

However, she knew that simply wanting won't change anything. A man like him who is always so alarmed and alert wouldn't just let her have her way.

She puckered up her lip, feeling sad and exhausted just by thinking about it. How can she help him in any way?

Although she was determined, she knew that the task was close to impossible and she'd no solution for it now.

"My.. father died, trusting his treacherous companions in the name of family. He trusted them, forgave them and even in his last breath, he.. " She heard him speak after a short moment of silence. His voice, although emotionless, couldn't hide the bitterness of his heart.

As he continued to speak, a lump formed in Yang's throat which he was unable to swallow and his eyes turned red as he reminisced about that unfortunate day.

Fei's eyes fluttered and she slowly lifted up her head from his shoulder to gaze at him. Lifting up her hand, she cupped his right cheek and gently caressed his skin, encouraging him to let it all out.

"What did he say, husband?"

Her heart ached for him. How can she help him? The only concern she had.

She hated how helpless she felt while looking through the man she loved, who was hiding his wounded soul under that composed and cold face of his.

"He.." His voice croaked and the man looked just like a child, who was lost, abandoned.

Lost in the same manner he had been when he found his father on his deathbed, breathing faintly, dying slowly.

Remembering the coldness of that situation still twists his heart into a painful sensation.

It felt as though someone was gripping his heart, clutching it tightly into a hold.

Fei couldn't hold her own emotions while watching his lost eyes. Her aching heart was proof of how much she hated seeing him so hurt.

"Father forgave them in front of me and I-" The man paused in his sentence with his eyes looking for a sense of warmth in his wife's eyes which she soon provided him with a gentle smile on her face.

Gulping, he continued in a low voice. Shame, deep hatred and melancholy filled his aura when he recalled that moment vividly.

Those disgusting faces marred with a hidden triumph. The way they showed their fake tears to his dying father.

Why did his father forgive them?

Why didn't he think of him? About his own son while forgiving those vile snakes, who clearly felt no guilt for their deed after making him a fatherless child.

His father.. abandoned him, in the same way his mother did. They left him in this cold world to face the cruelty alone.

"-I watched it happen like.. a fool."

Pressing his forehead against hers, he whispered after a brief moment of silence. "Then.. after watching him slowly die with his cold hand in my hands-"

Pausing, Yang looked up again, meeting her eyes as he continued in a low tone.

"-I killed them all."

With his own bare hands, he slew them without an ounce of mercy. They hurled curses at him, the rest of his family cursed him for his life.

They said he'd face a fate even more crueler than a painful death. They said he deserved to die in the worst way one could ever imagine.

Yang was unaffected by it all. He grew up being cursed, hated and targeted by his enemies.


"What did my father.. ever do to you?"

A young man, not more than twenty, stood with his masculine figure hunched. His clothes stained with blood, his eyes lifeless and his aura frighteningly ominous.

He looked possessed with despair, rage and hatred, making the people around him feel their blood turn cold and their knees to weaken as they knelt, witnessing a dreadful event which will haunt them forever.

"Please! Spare me I'm your uncl-Aghhhh!"

Swink! Thud!

The bloodied head rolled away on the floor and the headless body fell on the ground lifelessly.

A sight so horrific and terrible to the spectators of this noble family which seemed to have fallen within just a day after the patriarch's death.

"Behold, everyone and witness this.." The young heir spread his arms in the air and let out a dark chuckle. "This is what you get for betraying me, the noble heir, me, Liang Yang!" He seethed venomously and placed his foot on the slain head before crushing it with a force.


"-And never forget the outcome of deceiving me or you.. shall pay the price for your defiance against me."


Fei had never seen such a raw emotion coming from her husband. He'd been holding a lot of things inside his heart.

At that moment, she realized that the man would be like this until the end. He'll hide his true feelings. Hurt her in case she hopes for more, and push her away gently.

How can she make him give in to her this time?

She'll do anything and she's determined to achieve this impossible goal by any means necessary.

Love, devotion and loyalty.

Fei's love for this man was the purest form of love and she was the only woman who could heal, nourish and purify his wounded soul and heart.

Although it was hard, she had no plans for giving up.


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