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R-18 scene ahead. (*eyeroll*)

Yang's heavy breathing turned shallow as he continued to pound on her mercilessly. His arm was circled around her head with his fingers weaved in her silky hair.

He groaned and was about to shut her sobbing with a forceful kiss when he heard her sweetly beg.

"P-Please, husband."

Chuckling, he totally ignored her and smashed his lips against her while pounding inside her wildly.

The bed creaked at his rough and urgent movements. The atmosphere which was originally steamy and hot turned even more ambiguous with the noise of their bodies slapping against each other's.

The man frowned and groaned again before pulling back from the kiss and asked. "You like it here?"

He hit her sweet spot with a powerful thrust and sadistically smiled when she cried in pain.

Nothing but pain. That's what she was feeling right now.

His thing was too big and she could feel it pulsating inside her core with hotness and strength.

When will this be over?

She couldn't take any more of the torture as she burst into tears pitifully, with no strength to even beg as she cried in silence.

"Why?" That wasn't enough to stop the wild man as he smirked and continued to move his powerful hips in a wild rhythm.

"Have I not warned you before?" He husked and licked his own lips before grinning charmingly. "Don't you remember, um?"

Fei shook her head, not having an idea what he was speaking about as she sobbed weakly and twisted her body, shuddering at his demanding treatment.

"Warned.. you to never ask for punishment." He suckled on her tiny tongue and slurped down her sweetness hungrily before letting out a satisfied groan in between. "Didn't I?"

He's been going easy on her all this while.

Fei gasped for air and weakly opened her tearful eyes. Her whole self was blushing beautifully and the tears in her eyes made her appear even more erotic to the man's eyes.

He'd love dying this way; inside of her if that would be the last good and fortunate thing to happen to him.

What? Yang whisperingly mouthed against her lips, teasing her shamelessly while enjoying her misery beneath him.

"Ah-huh suck," he plunged his tongue inside her little mouth. Satisfied that she listened to obediently and willfully sucked onto his tongue, he murmured,"Mhm like that."

Fei couldn't process anything as she obediently did what he told her to do and choked on her sobbing when he slurped onto her mouth like a starving man.

The little wife was thinking that the man would let her go if she listened to him obediently.


Fei was tired and sore, extremely sore that she couldn't move or even lift a single muscle of her body but the culprit of her suffering was perfectly fine; pleased and satisfied deep to his bones.

Right now, Yang had made her wear his black robe which was in fact too huge for her tiny self.

Her eyes teared up, watching how her husband casually wore his clothes without sparing her any glance.

Yang grinned when he heard her pitiful sniffles and heartlessly ignored her presence as though she was invisible to his eyes.

A gentle knock resounded and Yang opened the door, receiving the food tray provided by the young monk.

"If there's anything else you need, master?" The monk was talking with a lowered gaze, so his eyes didn't meet the noble heir.

Yang quietly dismissed him and placed the tray on the bedside table.

The food was made lavishly, a different sort of special treatment by the kind people of this place and had a really appetizing aroma.

Fei gulped, feeling her stomach grumble but had no energy to even sit up straight.

"Do you need my help, dear?" Sweetly asking, the man sat on the bed and looked at her ravishing appearance.


"Hmm? Have you still not learned from your lesson?" He threateningly hummed and patted her head lightly, feeling her shiver at those words.

"Come." He hugged her tiny body and made her sit against the pillows gently. Right now his actions were much different from the earlier wanton event.

Fei's tears fell off like rivers as she hiccuped and wasn't willing to look at him as he fed her. She was famished and silently ate without protesting.

It was Yang's first time feeding someone but he was careful with every dish to provide more nutrition to his fragile wife.

She's too weak and shy in bed, not matching his potential and hunger at all.

"Try this, it's a fish I used to love as a child." He carefully picked the bones and fed it to her, watching as her eyes twinkled at the taste.

"Is it that good?" He chuckled and fed her some more, spoiling her after the punishment episode.

Fei gave a silent nod, still unwilling to talk to him but seeing that he wasn't eating but just feeding her, her soft heart couldn't take it and she finally asked,"Husband, why are you not eating?"

He smiled before feeding her another bite of the sea dish and answered, "After putting you to rest, I'll have to attend a dinner with the people who live here out of courtesy for the never ending kindness they had bestowed upon on us."

Yang's words held the weight of respect for the Tao clan. This clan alone is the reason why the noble's bloodline still has its lineage growing.

"Oh~" Fei didn't protest because she too wanted to have a rest because her waist hurt terribly. She'd have been long asleep if not for the pain he'd caused her.

At the reminder, she shot another sad look at her husband. Seeing that, Yang shamelessly ignored her with a gentle curve on his lips and fed her the food attentively.

"I'll tell them to prepare the clothes for you. You don't have to worry about it," Yang said without looking at her.

Hearing his words, Fei was reminded about how he roughly ripped off her clothes away from her body when she refused to take them off her.

He was one savage of a man.

A drop of tear fell off her eye and she sniffled like a child. Fei's been wronged. The man had treated her terribly for the past few hours and didn't care to hold back his strength at all.

The black robe she was wearing slipped down a bit when she shuddered while sobbing quietly, exposing a beautiful part of her body which had been marked by the beast as if he'd owned every inch of her.

Listening to her silent cry, Yang had enough of her drama and he sighed before telling her to cease her crying but then stopped when his gaze fell on her exposed shoulder which was marred with purplish and horrible looking bruises.

A smirk stretched over his face and he scratched his nose before reverting his gaze back on the food. The devious man was proud of his work and didn't feel guilty at all with an utterly satisfied body.

In the end, he didn't even try to comfort his poor wife and left the room with a happy grin on his face.


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