Cɦɑpteɾ 1

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Warning: First of all thanks for reading. English is not my first language so there may be some mistakes. There are some swearing words along with sexual words and scenes. I might make some mistakes because I tried to research everything before writing but some things are hard to find (I accept any help you can give me tho).

Every character and name are merely representative and I do not mean to insult anyone, but someone will be the villain (or not) so if it's your idol I'm sorry. Some family names/birthdays are made up because there are pieces of information that are, obviously, not made public. Some facts and results may be changed to better fit the story.


♪ It all can get so out of control sometimes
You can lose your faith, you can lose your mind ♪

April 18th, 2022 - Monaco

Charles Leclerc POV

I was preparing everything so I could leave for the fourth race of the year that is happening in Italy this week. Lucas, my son, is sitting on the couch with his phone, that's all he does. He never speaks, and we never knew why.

His pediatrist can't seem to help, nothing is wrong with him. He can talk, that has been established but he chooses not to. Only in specific situations will he look at us, nod and shake his head, wave his hand and that's it. The therapist didn't get much out of him so that made it harder. I've tried everything, the doctors claim he is just not ready to talk or doesn't want to.

I don't know what could've scarred him this bad. He will be 5 this year, he does exercises and has great intelligence, above average actually. I had a one-night stand with his mom, I guess the condom broke, I never understood how it exactly happened. We were never in a relationship, and she left 2 years ago, but even at 3 years old he never talked much so I don't think that's it.

"Do you have everything, mon prince?" I ask as I approach him and I kneel to his height. He nods in response and my mom appears.

"Are we ready?" She asks hurriedly and I nod.

"We have everything."

"Your brothers are downstairs already," Mom says as she smiles at Lucas who stands from the couch, he puts the phone in his pocket and takes her hand following her lead outside of the apartment.

We had to become a bigger united front when his communication difficulties became apparent, everyone is super patient with him, but he does not deal well with strangers, I tried hiring a few nannies and he would turn almost aggressive, for no reason.

He would lock himself in his room, finding the key I tried to hide from him, he would kick their ankles, he was a devil. But he is normally very quiet, he very rarely makes an appearance or takes initiative. He doesn't like any sport apparently, hates going to the park, and almost cries if we try to set a playdate with another driver's kid or family with kids.

I came to the conclusion that he wants to be left alone. I think he hates me, maybe because I don't have much time for him, he spends a lot of time in the motorhome, in my room. He doesn't like coming to the garage and I don't know if he even sees the races.

Lorenzo will try to keep him company but he can't always be there. He always has someone there to check on him but it pains me that this is how he lives. Saying a couple of words a week. It breaks my heart that he seems to not trust anyone to open up.

We arrived at the airport in Nice and we did the whole check-in process, I had first-class seats reserved for me, Lucas, Arthur, and Lorenzo. Mom kissed his head carefully and he walked off, Lorenzo waved at mom and followed him.

"Call me if you need anything or if something happens. Be careful, both of you." She demands and we nod.

"Don't worry about it. We will be fine as always," I say as I kiss her cheek.

"Hurry up or you will be late," she says as Arthur hugs her and we leave to our gate, we were a bit late but nothing much.

They started calling for first class a few minutes after we sat down to wait. I held Lucas' hand and we entered the plane quietly, another woman went ahead of us and she was by the row next to Lucas.

I was in the middle row with him, Lorenzo, and Arthur on the left and her alone on the right. She picked up her laptop and she had some candies with her. I wasn't the only one watching her though, Lucas was interested for some reason.

"I can share, I have a lot of these. I have a sweet tooth, what about you?" She says as she looks at my son, giving him one of her candies. I was dreading the outcome, he once threw a lollipop at a woman's head.

"He doesn't talk much, thank you," I say nervously, he takes the candy from her hand calmly, he looks at it curiously.

"That one is strawberry, do you like it? I have more flavors if you don't." She speaks calmly and nicely, he looks at her and nods. "Have a good flight kiddo. Stretch that little hand if you want more, let's try to see if daddy doesn't notice our scheme," she pretends to whisper the last part and I smile.

I was just amazed at his calmness, he started eating the candy and put the wrapper in my hand carefully. My brothers were as amazed as I was, our full attention was on that exchange.

She went back to her life after giving him a wink and a smile, she settled on the window seat when she saw that no one else would board first class. I opened my laptop to work on something as he took a paper out of my backpack and started drawing random things.

I ran my hand through his hair and smiled. He can be a cute kid but sometimes I wondered where I went wrong to make him this antisocial, did I speak too loudly? Was I too absent? Will I ever be enough for him?

Will I ever hear my own son talk? That's my biggest worry. He pulls the hem of my shirt and I look down at him, seeing how his little hand pointed to the bathroom and I nod.

"Do you want company?" The question leaves my lips and he is already shaking his head as he carefully gets up.

I look at the woman as I notice how engrained she is in her laptop, the loose hair is now in a messy bun on the top of her head, and her reading glasses are on, probably to protect from the screen time, which I am also wearing. Lucas comes back and her attention goes to him, mine does too.

He looks at her and stretches his hand to her, her smile widens and she shows him the bag with the candies, he comes closer and takes 3, smiling shyly at her. Her green eyes showed happiness and she smiled back at him, showing her perfectly aligned teeth. She is gorgeous and I couldn't stop fixating on little details.

I looked at him as he sat down rather happily. He ate one candy at that moment, another one when we were landing and he saved the third one in the pocket of his little jacket. This is definitely new and gave me some hope that maybe, just maybe, he is a normal kid and I am just stressing out while he does things on his own time.


Hello my loves ❤️

I hope your started 2024 well and with your right foot!

I want to thank you all for providing me with an exceptional good year. The support has been endless and I have friendships to last me a lifetime.

This new story is my little gift to you and I hope you like it as much as I am liking this story.

Have a very good year and stand by while these stories come to life.

Love you all ❤️❤️ Happy new year 🎉

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