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Ch 38: Interception!

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When I emerged from the forest, Regan appeared not far away. I hadn't seen him most of the night, but I had found his trail and knew he'd been close enough to watch my wrestling match with Ethan.

The truck was heading this way for our morning meeting, and I could hear the dune buggy zipping through the path behind the trees.

I peered at the distant line of soil and rocks that marked the trench. "I don't see any dirt flying. Did Ethan go somewhere? I told him we usually meet over here not long after sunrise."

"He was luring a zombie away a few minutes ago," Regan said.

It wouldn't be long before he showed up. He would have seen or heard the truck, and he wasn't exactly slow on his feet if he decided to catch up. The dune buggy came down the path and stopped nearby. Wren, who'd been in the passenger seat, walked to the edge of the trees with slumped shoulders.

Jax watched her go, then came closer to us, stopping with a decent amount of space between himself and the two Nightstalkers. "Where's Ethan? I don't see him in the truck."

"Around," I said vaguely. "He worked in the trench most of the night, but I don't think he's stood still since the sun rose."

Daniel had always been more active while the sun shone, and it was doubly noticeable with Ethan. He'd already run a few patrols in the short time since the sun had peeked above the horizon.

The truck was just coming to a stop when light footsteps darted through the forest, coming up behind us. Regan and I both turned to face the trees, although such speed could only belong to two people around here, and one was driving the truck.

The footsteps rapidly slowed before Ethan jogged out of the forest. "Good morning."

"Morning," I replied, comparing his current good-natured mood to the guilt-ridden one Nina had seen last. She was going to be in for a surprise, assuming the topic undoubtedly at hand didn't dredge up the shadows from yesterday.

The truck engine turned off. Ethan's eyes suddenly glowed, and he lunged forward. Pure reflex had me ducking down and trying to spin out of the way while my mind reeled, not expecting the sudden change or attack. Regan belatedly jumped away as well, drawing his dagger.

Ethan darted past me, so close I felt the breeze of his passage against my skin. Sinking into a defensive crouch, I twisted around to face him—only to see him standing behind me with a rubber ducky in his hand.

"I'm supposed to be testing her reflexes, not yours," Nicky informed him, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. The potato cannon in her hands and the calm, disapproving frown on Ethan's face let the puzzle pieces slide together. I'd been so startled by Ethan's "charge" that I hadn't even registered the air-puff of the potato cannon firing.

With a heavy sigh, I stood up. "Nicky, you really have to work on better ways to greet people. Launching rubber ducks at them isn't a universally recognized welcoming gesture."

"It's not for my lack of trying!" the redhead exclaimed, grinning happily. "Can I have my duck back?" When Ethan raised an admonitory eyebrow, Nicky groaned, "Come on, do you really think Trinity is that slow? Or that a tiny air-filled toy could have injured anything other than her pride?"

His frown deepened, but he tossed the yellow duck to her. "In the future, make sure she sees you pointing it at her first."

Nicky turned her grin to me. "I like him. Most people just threaten to lock me up."

"Don't tempt me to show him the proper way of locking you in that cage," I told her.

The truck door opened as Daniel got out, keeping an eye on the situation, although Ethan's control clearly wasn't an issue. Nina took that as confirmation that there was no risk and also got out, coming around to this side of the truck. The handgun that had appeared in Logan's hands disappeared behind the side of the truck bed.

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