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Ch 11: A Different Kind Of Net

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From my perch on top of the lab, I commented, "You're back earlier than I expected."

Daniel shrugged. "Once they heard that I knew Regan and was asking about the same group he had, they were more than happy to tell me about every detail they recalled on their trip here." He held up several sheets of yellowish paper whose handwritten notes didn't match his writing.

"They gave you a list?" I asked, smirking slightly.

"They wrote it while traveling. Even things like the color of the visitors' shirts. Some details don't quite line up, but as exhausted as they are, that doesn't surprise me. But they all agree there was a truck, three vans, and twelve people."

"Do we know where the visitors came from?" I asked as he stopped below, not bothered by my height advantage.

"No, but they remember that the group was asking for directions to Dayton Stronghold."

My gaze became more intent. "Where's that?"

"Almost directly east of Kennewick. Pretty much in the southeast corner of the state."

"So, farther south and east than we've gone so far." I paused. "When did this group pass through?"

"About a month ago, maybe more."

"Are you heading to that place tomorrow?"

"Yes, and since Regan is here, I'd like to ask him if he will guard the Stronghold while you come with me in case your sense of smell picks up any clues."

I tilted my head, puzzled by his suggestion. "You're going to leave Regan to guard this place?" He didn't know the Nightstalker well enough to truly trust him, especially with Nina's safety. Where had this plan come from?

With a sigh, Daniel said, "I have a very strong suspicion I'm going to need a Nightstalker's nose, and I don't think Regan would go into a Stronghold with me. If he, Jax, and Wren are willing to stay and keep ferals at bay, this place should be safe enough without us. Logan and Nicky can stay inside and keep an eye on Nina."

I considered the situation. At Graydon Stronghold, Daniel and I had left numerous times without any concern. The only difference here was that unranked ferals were showing up on an unfortunately regular basis.

"Jax's leg will hinder him, but he could drive the dune buggy on patrols or sit along the tree line as a sentry," I eventually said. "Wren tries, but unless she uses her bow, she can't do more than delay ferals."

"And Regan?" Daniel asked, waiting for my verdict on the Nightstalker.

"We've both seen that he puts high value on his word and his honor. If he agrees, I'm quite certain he can handle anything short of a Terror without too much difficulty." I raised an eyebrow at him. "That leaves potential dangers inside the Stronghold. Did you check those survivors in case they somehow got infected?"

"Yes. I checked their scent while talking with them, and the doctors and nurses were also taking them into the examination rooms. We can ask Logan and Nicky to stay close." He glanced at the empty bean bag chair as if just noticing the redhead was absent. "Speaking of Nicky, where is she?"

"Finishing up the pitfall trap in exchange for a comic book I found."

"Thanks for keeping an eye on things today. I'll hang around if you want to relax."

I nodded absently as he opened the door to go inside. With a pop and a faint rattle, a fishing net made entirely out of paperclips flew out as Daniel skipped to the side with those infernally fast reflexes of his.

"I told her it was too slow," I commented, secretly wishing Nicky's latest trap had worked.

Sliding forward, I dropped to the ground as he nudged his toe against the interlinked paperclips. He examined the open doorway, and I could imagine Logan giving him the typical welcome wave from a stool in the corner.

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