𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

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The rest of Chases birthday goes well, we watched movies - like always. - Ate cake, and Chase opened the rest of his gifts from the others.

The next day comes pretty quick, at school Matt tried talking to me, I ignored him.. till now.

Right now we are outside.

"Explain, Matt. What you did isn't just a 'I'm sorry' situation! You almost raped me, Matt." I said loudly, but I wasn't yelling.

"I'm so sorry baby. I was drinking and out of my mind. I'm so fucking sorry." He explained. "It's never going to happen again, believe me, baby." He said again.

"Matt that's not going to help. A sorry and believe me isn't good enough!. I get it, you were drinking. But it don't explain everything else. You hitting me, starving me. It's not okay Matt! You don't understand that you were my first boyfriend. I didn't want this to happen my first relationship. I thought you were nice. You were.
But you terribly changed. I didn't know it would be like this. You were my first kiss, my first boyfriend. And I'm sorry, but I can't forgive you. I think we need a break, this is hurting me more than anything. I really thought we would work out. Try changing a little bit before coming back to me. Actually, never mind never come back to me." I said, tears forming in my eyes.

"Dani... what do you mean 'you were my first boyfriend.'" He said panicked. "Don't you understand? We. Are. Over." I said again.

"You can't do this to me, Dani. You're gonna ruin my reputation!" His face turning pale white, as if he just saw a ghost.

"What do you mean, your 'reputation'" I quoted. "You don't get it, do you? Your brothers are fucking popular around this school." He said with a sarcastic laugh at the end.

"And?" I said confused. "You're so fucking stupid. I needed you, so I could be apart of you and your brothers friend group." He threw his hands up in the air, dramatically.

"Right.. your so fucking pathetic" I quoted him, then left.

I run into the girls bathroom, the tears start coming down. I lock the stall, sliding down the wall.

Soft footsteps walk around the bathroom. "Hello? Who's in here?" A familiar voice called out, knocking on the stall door.

"I'll be out in a second!" I said I'm the best voice possible. "Dani?" Now I finally recognize who it is.

"Samantha?" I heard a quick 'yeah' "Unlock the stall." She said, sounding serious. I slowly get up unlocking the stall.

"Oh my god. Are you okay, what happened?" She said sounding concerned. "Why do you care" I said, sounding more mean than I hoped it would.

"I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you Dani. Actually I was just coming to find you to apologize. It may seem shitty, or stupid but my 'minions' weren't my minions, I was their minion. I don't know if that makes sense. Anyway, they have been threatening me the past few months and if I didn't do as they said... they would contact my dad telling them stupid lies. My dad would obviously believe them, because he likes them more than me, not the point. They told me everyday to make fun of you, and try to 'steal' Chase from you. I'm not saying this so we could become friends or anything I'm just so so sorry. And this apology may sound random, or shitty. I'm really hoping you could forgive me." She explained.

Part of me feels bad, but the other part feels great that she's upset. Finally after everything, she's apologizing. I never thought this day would come.

"Of course!. It's totally understandable, I get it. That must be a hard place to be in. I'm terribly sorry that's happening to you. But now they are out of your life, so try and be as free as you can be." I cringe after saying the last part.

"Are you saying that just because you feel bad?" She chuckles softly. "A little bit, I honestly don't know where the 'be as free as you can be' part came from.. but seriously I meant it. I hope everything gets better for you." I smile softly.

"Thank you, Dani. Now what's happening with you?" She asked. We both sit on the floor, which is disgusting but it's fine. And I explain to her everything, that's happened.

"Oh my god... that's horrible. I'm so sorry I didn't know you were going through that. I totally thought Matt was a nice person. Guess not everyone is as they look, right? Sorry not the time. That's terrible. I'm glad you got out of that as fast as you could. And don't listen to him, your body is perfect the way it is." She gave me a smile.

"Thank you, Samantha." We both get up and I wipe my bottom. "Of course, what class do you have next?" She asked curiously.

"Science." I said. "Oh. So do I! Do you wanna walk together?" She said the last sentence slowly, as if she thought I was going to say no.

"Yeah, sure!" I pick up my bad off the floor of the entrance as we walk to science together, making small conversation.

"I'll be right back, I have to get my bag from English." I gave her a nod with a smile and went inside.

"Am I going crazy or did we just see you with Samantha?" Jayden and Taylor gasp. "Uh yeah. We ran into each other in the bathroom, I guess we are cool now, maybe even friends." I shrugged.

"But.. she was a bitch to you.." Taylor said confused. "Yeah but it's different now, I guess." I explained not wanting to tell her story.

"Well as long as your happy." Jayden tapped my shoulder a few times.

Samantha comes into the classroom as she happily sits next to me.

Maybe she isn't so bad after all..


Early character development for Samantha, she wasn't supposed to get character development still chapter 30... but like I couldn't keep her rude yk🥰🥰

Thanks for reading!


Word count - 1034

- B.

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