𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏

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Today is the day, I meet Matt's parents. I'm really nervous Matt also was mad I only lost 6 pounds the last 3 weeks. I tried my best.

"Are you ready yet?!" Matt yelled from the other side of my door. "Yes! I'm sorry." I put on a navy blue dress that stopped mid thighs, and the sleeves were puffed a little bit.

Then I put on some black tights, and my doc martens.


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"You look great" He smiled wrapping his arm around my waist, placing a kiss on my temple. "Thank you. So do you"

"Alright well let's get going." I bid a quick goodbye to the others as we head out the door.

The car ride was about 20 minutes, plus traffic. Who knew there would be this much traffic at 6:30pm on Thursday?

"It's kinda cold out." It was only still September. It shouldn't be this cold.

"It's okay. You'll warm up in the house. Trust me." He sent me a smile, which I return.

He stopped in the driveway of a gorgeous house. It was white, grey shudders. Rocks lead up to the door as a pathway.

Matt walked us into the house. It was definitely way more cozy in this house. It was very modern looking, and there were a few plants in every room.

"Mom!" Matt yelled. "I'm in the kitchen, dear!" What I assume to be his mom yelled.

She was standing at the stove, with an apron on. Her hair was brunette, wavy, and short. She was only a tad bit taller than me. But taller than Matt.

Matt was only 5'5, while I was 5'3.

"Oh my goodness! You are absolutely gorgeous!" His mom comes and gives me a tight hug. "I love your hair. I had long hair like that once." She ran her fingers through my hair.

My hair was around the top of my butt, more so around my waist.

"Thank you!" I squeak out. I'm a little nervous.

"Come dear. I'll show you pictures of Matt when he was little." She sends a nasty but playful grin towards Matt, who just stands there and groans.

The last 30 minutes was spent by me getting to know Ms. Carters, seeing embarrassing pictures of Matt growing up, and the Lucius smell of the food being cooked in the oven.

"I'll be right back. I need to go to the bathroom." I smile and get up to use their restroom.

When I come back I hear them talking softly. I wait around the corner to see what there talking about.

"I'm sorry she's not your expectation, mom." Matt said. "What do you mean, dear?" His mom sounded confused.

"Well she's not skinny" He huffed out.


"I wouldn't care if she was 100 pounds more. She's gorgeous and your a very lucky man to have her." I smiled at Ms. Carters words.

"But I care, mom! She almost weighs as much as me!" He yells but not to loud. "That is non sense, Mathew. You will not be rude to her." She scolded Matt.

I wait a few more seconds and come into the room. "Hi! Sorry I kind of got lost." I say with a small, awkward chuckle.

"That's alright, sweetie. Wanna help me get dinner ready?" She stands up. "Oh, sure!" I said, happily.

I help her get the plates, utensils, and napkins placing them on the table.

"Is Mr.Carter here tonight?" I asked. "Unfortunately, he's on a business trip. So it's just us three tonight." She sighed, sounding upset.

"Oh, okay."


Me and Matt were about to leave. Mrs.Carters walks me and Matt to the door, she quickly tells Matt to behave.

"Bye Ms.Carters!" I wave goodbye. "Non sense dear, call me Susan." She smiles. She pulls me into a quick hug.

"If Matt makes you trouble in any way shape or form, let me know so I can smack him." She said sounding serious.

"I will! Bye Susan!" I head back into the car.

"Your mom seems nice." I said breaking the silence. "Yep." He grumbled out.

5 more minutes pass by.

"Dani?" Matt looked at me. "Yeah?" I questioned.

After a few minutes and he never responds, I look at him again. "Never mind." Matt let out a breath. "Oh okay!"

Finally, I was home.

Matt was staying a few more hours then he would go home. "Hi!" Levi yelled out from the kitchen. "Wait a second I need to change."

That dress was not comfortable at all, especially not right after you just ate.

I walk into my room, placing my phone, and bag on the dresser.

I pick out grey sweats, and a black hoodie that I probably stole from one of my brothers.

"Hi!" I rush downstairs and into the kitchen. "Are you hungry?" Levi asked while cutting up some vegetables.

"No I'm good."

"DANIELLA!" I heard my moms voice call me from upstairs. "Oh god." Levi says sheepishly.


I enter the bedroom, "Oh where's dad?" I ask seeing the empty spot on the bed.

She looked angry.

"Daniella! Hai una punizione? E non me lo hai detto? Per non parlare del fatto che hai fallito un test - Un test importante?" She held her phone showing a text.

( Daniella! Do you have a punishment? And you didn't tell me? Not to mention you failed a test - An important test? )

"Mi dispiace mamma. Stavo per dirtelo. Non ero mai a casa." I gave her a sad look. When I was little it would always work, a sad look, meant her not caring anymore.

(I'm sorry mom. I was about to tell you. I was never at home.)

"Non guardarmi così, Dani. Da questo momento in poi sarai in punizione per 2 settimane. vai a scuola e torni direttamente a casa." She gave me a look, telling me she was disappointed in me.

(Don't look at me like that, Dani. From now on you will be grounded for 2 weeks. you go to school and come straight home.)

She pointed to the door, signaling for me to leave.

I let out a sigh.

I walk back downstairs and back into the kitchen.

"How'd it go." He gave me a sad look. "Not good."

"What happened?" He turned on the stove, frying something. "She grounded me." I fiddle with the sleeve of my hoodie.

"Damn, Dani. What did you do? She never grounds us." He said. "I don't know." I shrug.

"We are about to watch a movie if you wanna join us?" He asked. "Alright." I go into the living room and take a seat.

40 minutes into the movie, I had fallen asleep.


Hey guys😜😜

Thanks for reading!


Word count - 1126

- B.

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