Alone Time With Verosika (chapter 8)

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You wake up at like around 9AM

You turn and see verosika is still sleeping next to you

You kiss her forehead before getting up to take clotches on

You walk to the kitchen and start making somthing for you and verosika to eat when she wakes up
(youe choice)

After like 5-10 mins you get hugged from behind but you know who it is

Verosika: now who said you were allowed to leave the bed without giving me morning cuddles~

She kiss your cheek

Y/N: maybe becouse someone whould need some breakfast

Verosika lets go of you and you turn around to her

She wraps her arms around your neck
And you hugs her

You two then kiss each other for like 2 mins before breaking the kiss

Verosika: i love you. you cute sexy bitch~

Y/N: love you too

You then put the food you made onto two plates
And then you and verosika sits down to eat

Verosika: Sooo you got any plans for today dear?

Y/N: no not really the only thing i thought was we do somthing together

Verosika: sounds like we have thinking to so

Y/N: yeah i guess we do

You two eat the breakfast you made

Then you and verosika get up and clean the plates together

You two then go over and sits on the couch

Verosika sits next to you anf lays her head on your shoulder while you hugs her with one arm

Y/N: you wanna watch a movie?

Verosika: sure i wont mind

You find a movie and start watching it

Verosika: i like this movie

Y/N: yeah its a good movie

Verosika: also whould it werid that im still kinda your boss but also your girlfriend?

Y/N: eh i don't mind it just mean my boss is cute as hell

Verosika: Awww thanks

She kiss your cheek and you blush alittle

Verosika: theres that cute blush

Y/N: still not as cute as you

Verosika blushies alot and you giggle alittle

Y/N: your blush just make you cuter

Verosika: oh shut up and kiss me already

Verosika then kisses you right after saying that and you kisses back

You two kiss for like 5-7 mins before verosika breaks the kiss

Verosika: say i'm kind of getting thirsty and I could really use a beer

Y/N: then why don't we get a beer?

Verosika: yeah lets do that

You and verosika get up and walk to the bar room couse she has one

Verosika gets the beers out and then she sits next to you

Verosika: you know its really nice we together

Verosika: i been very longly when im not at work until i meeted you

Y/N: im sorry to hear that

Verosika: no its fine. its fine

Y/N: if you say so... I trust you

Verosika: thanks Y/N

She starts drinking a beer and so do you but you both only drink like 1 beer

You then other things together couse im too lazy to think of stuff to do

Its like 9PM

Y/N: okay i should get back to my apartment

Verosika: your sure you don't wanna move in?

Y/N: oh no don't get me wrong verosika

Y/N: i do wanna move in just not now

Verosika: im glad you want too moce in at least

You both kiss for a minute before breaking the kiss

Y/N: already i'll see you tomorrow my love

Verosika: see you tomorrow my bitch

You kiss one last time but only like 3 seconds before you leave

You walk home

When you got in your apartment you went straight to the sleep on the couch

-time skip-

Its like 2AM

You hear knocks on the door

You get up

Y/N: who chould that be this late at night

You walk to the front door and open it

Its verosika and she those not look good

Verosika: hEy *hic* LoVe

Y/N: verosika are you drunk?

Verosika: wHaT *hic* nOoO

She about to fall but you catch her

Y/N: yupe your drunk

Verosika: MmMmMm

You help her in before closing the door

You lay her on the couch and you go out to the kitchen to give her a glass of water

You walk back and give her the watet

She drinks it but still drunk

Y/N: i have a feelings you walked here

Verosika: hElL yEaH *hic* i DiD

Verosika then falls asleep

Y/N: at least she sleeping now....

You were about to sleep on the floor couse you still don't have a bed

when you were about to sleep on the floor verosika you in and hugs you like a plushie while you lay on her

You just hug her and fall asleep

(the end)

Lets hope she don't get drunk again
Now that im thinking
Why did she even get drunk in the first place?🤔
Oh well guess only i will know:^

Anyways as always
You can give me ideas for chapters in the comments down below

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