Working At Your First Concert (chapter 4)

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A week gose by couse its was just boring

You wake up at 9:45AM

You eat cereal without milk like always couse your poor

You get out of the apartment and walk to work

On your way you hear a familiar voice

???: looks whos walking to work

Y/N: huh?

You turn your head to your right while walking and see verosika driving but driving slow just so shes going in your walking speed

Y/N: oh hey boss

Verosika: please just call me verosika

Y/N: okay.

Verosika: you want a ride to work?

Y/N: no i can walk its fine

Verosika: please I insist

She opens the car door

Y/N: fine

You get in couse you can't really deny the offer now can you

You both drive you way to work

Verosika: Soo Y/N hows your week been?

Y/N: boring really.

Verosika: same...

Verosika: you whould think having a a nice giant mansion you whould not be bored but you get bored very fast

Y/N: yeah I can imagine

Verosika: it whould be nice if people who were not stalkers or simps came over for maybe a cup of coffee or somthing like that

Y/N: are you trying to ask what i think your asking

Verosika: yes fucker im inviting you over to my house just to chat alittle

Y/N: well i whould not mind it whould be nice to just have alittle chat

Verosika: That's good to hear

Verosika: anyways we here

You pull up to a parking spot and you both gets out

The others are already there

Verosika: is everything ready milky?

Milky: yupe

Vertex: the van is full so we wont run out in the middle of no where

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Vertex: the van is full so we wont run out in the middle of no where

Verosika: That's good

Verosika: anyways lets get in people

Everyone get in and you end up sitting next to verosika and ace

Verosika: anyways how long whould the ride take vertex?

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