October 2023 | »Healer of Sakkara« by @OwlieCat

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It is very exciting to have OwlieCat with us to feature their book »Healer of Sakkara« as our book of the month! Underneath you can find the next interview where we talked about the authors and their story!

It is very exciting to have OwlieCat with us to feature their book »Healer of Sakkara« as our book of the month! Underneath you can find the next interview where we talked about the authors and their story!

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S. G. Gardner enjoys writing about chaotic queer characters having adventures and falling in love. They have seventeen completed books on Wattpad and hope to write many more. When they're not writing, S. G. can be found tending to a small herd of cats, in the garden, or behind the reference desk at the local college library.

☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚


Seventeen-year-old Galen learns he is born of a magical lineage and has the power to heal others. When strangers come looking for him, claiming his magic is of great importance to their Order, he embarks on a journey across the lands of Sakkara, accompanied by his friends Triss and Behn. In the course of their travels, they encounter danger, magic, mystery, budding romance, and the growing realization that the Order may not be what any of them believed. With shifting loyalties, Galen's new companions grapple with the possibility that they're serving the wrong side — especially the handsome Hand of the Order himself, Sevhalim. As feelings between himself and Galen grow, each faces new challenges that will test their loyalties and love. With the fate of an empire in the mix, no choice is without consequence.

☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚


"And you think Galen is one of these... p'yrha?" Harrald asked skeptically, though he added the aspirate and slight tongue roll to the pronunciation, this time.

Sevhalim shrugged. "Unclear. However, his appearance, the pendant, and the unknown circumstances of his birth make it my duty to find out. The balance has tipped, you know."

"That's just a rumor," Galen said, his chest tightening with anger. "The Temple—"

"Are a bunch of self-serving, dogmatic, narrow-minded idiots—yes," Sevhalim interrupted in his level tone. "I agree. However, the core truth remains: the balance of the world has tipped. It is not the fault of magic or of those who wield it; but only magic, and those who wield it can restore the balance before it tips too far. There are forces at work, Galen—on every side. Some are well-intentioned; some are not. But all are absorbed in their own concerns, and too blinded by self-interest to see the bigger picture. Thryn is not in danger; neither is Edraxis, or Abbara, or Pyrr, or any of the other realms. Rather, our world is in danger. These tremors that you feel are only the beginning. Something much worse is at hand."

A chill crawled up Galen's spine on centipede legs, and he shivered. "What do you expect me to do about it?" he asked.

"Nothing," Sevhalim said. "The first step is to take you to Jana Val, and determine if you are the p'yrha. The rest is for the masters to decide."

"And if he refuses?" Harrald asked.

Sevhalim raised his dark brows. "I'm afraid it's not a choice," he said, and set his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Ah," Harrald nodded. "Well, in that case."

Reaching behind him, he grabbed a glass oil lamp off a shelf and hurled it at Sevhalim's head.

The man dodged, and the makeshift missile shattered harmlessly on the stone floor, but in the time it took Sevhalim to duck, Harrald overturned the side table and his chair, and hauled Galen to his feet.

"Gale, run!" he yelled, giving him a shove. "GO!"

Galen didn't need to be told twice. He leaped clear of the overturned table and dashed for the back door, shoved it open and flew out onto the street, leaving angry shouts in his wake.

He might not be a fighter, but he was sure as hells fast, and he could run the streets of Dern blindfolded. He sprinted for Behn's house and prayed the other boy was home.

☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚


1. How did you start writing on Wattpad?

I found Wattpad during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in 2019. I wanted a place to post and share my writing to keep myself accountable for the challenge, and it worked! I finished my first novel that November and have been writing ever since.

2. What was the inspiration for your book "Healer of Sakkara"? If you could describe your story in only three words, what would they be?

Fantasy was my first love with both reading and storytelling, but I'd mostly focused on paranormal romance on Wattpad. I wanted to try my hand at a high fantasy set in a world loosely inspired by a mix of Tolkien's Middle Earth and The Elder Scrolls video games, especially Skyrim. In three words, I would describe my story as "friendship, adventure, and magic."

3. Which details or scenes in "Healer of Sakkara" are most unique and interesting?

That's a tough one! Some of the most interesting parts to write for me include chapters 17 – 19 of Part One, where the characters journey through pine barrens inhabited by carnivorous, humanoid bat-like creatures called barrowlings. It was fun to dip into a creepy horror territory for a bit. I also enjoyed describing a location called 'The Haven' which is built in the crater of a long-dormant volcanic mountain and features buildings partly carved into the face of a cliff.

4. If you were a character in your story, which one would you be and why?

I would probably be Behn. Behn is good natured, a bit out of shape, and short on fighting skills. He just wants to help and be there for his friends, even though (he thinks) he doesn't have an important role to play.

5. Do you intend to write another book in the future? What advice would you give to other writers who wish to try writing as well?

I will definitely be writing more. Healer of Sakkara will be a three-part book, and I have ideas for more stories to come as well.

For new writers, my primary advice is to craft the story you're passionate about telling. Every writer has different goals, but I believe the writing journey is most fulfilling and enjoyable when you concentrate on creating a story that you love. Writing can be challenging and demanding, but it can — and should — also be a lot of fun.

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And we end our amazing interview with OwlieCat here. Thank you for being with us this September. We all hope you all got to know the author like us and discovered some unique details about the story, »Healer of Sakkara«. We will see you next month with another amazing story.

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