Chapter 36

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The past month had been a whirlwind of preparation and self-reflection. Damien had left that night, and I didn't stop him. I couldn't stop him. I wasn't even sure what I wanted anymore. Instead, I channeled all my energy into my studies, determined to graduate early, and into readying myself for the tests I would need to pass to take over the ring from my grandfather.

Today was the day of our meeting, and as I made my way to the gym, my mind was filled with thoughts of what I would say to him. I had spent countless hours honing my skills, physically and mentally, preparing for this moment. I was ready.

Luca entered the gym before me and let out a low whistle. "Damn, Harvs, you've got muscles," he remarked, a mischievous grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and slipped on a hoodie before heading to the showers.

As I walked back to my room, my gaze fell upon the stack of pink diaries on my desk. Over the past month, I had delved into Olivia's life, trying to understand her perspective. It was during this time that I had a revelation about what needed to be done.

After dressing, I tucked a knife and the gun Luca had crafted into my waistband. I was vigilant and ready for anything. When I made my way downstairs, Luca and, surprisingly, our father were waiting. I scowled at my father but walked ahead with Luca. To my relief, our father took a separate car.

Once we were on the road, I couldn't help but ask Luca, "Why's he coming along?"

Luca sighed and replied, "Says he missed his wife or some bullshit." I snorted in response, and we settled into a comfortable silence as we headed toward our destination.

We reached my grandfather's imposing mansion, and once inside, we settled into the familiar meeting room. Despite all my preparation, my heart was still pounding with nervous energy. My grandfather regarded me with a shrewd look, and I knew he was waiting for my decision.

The tension in the room was palpable as we settled down in my grandfather's opulent meeting room. My heart was pounding, my nerves almost getting the best of me. My grandfather regarded me with his keen eyes, the weight of generations in his gaze.

"So, little one," he began, breaking the silence. "What have you decided then?"

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. "I'll do it," I said resolutely. "But on one condition."

Luca shot me a bewildered look, as if no one had ever dared to ask our grandfather for anything before. My grandfather, however, simply chuckled. "And what is this condition?" he inquired.

A small, hesitant smile curled at the corners of my lips. "Let Olivia go," I said firmly. "And cancel the marriage you've arranged for her."

A heavy silence hung in the room. I braced myself for a possible outburst, but instead, my grandfather leaned forward, his eyes locked onto mine. He nodded subtly, and a wave of relief washed over me. "If that is your wish," he said quietly, "then that it shall be."

I let out a sigh I didn't even realize I'd been holding, and my shoulders relaxed. I leaned back in my chair, the tension gradually dissipating. My grandfather, however, had one more thing to say.

"We will meet in three months' time," he informed me. "Be prepared, and don't forget to bring the boy with you."

The countdown had begun, and the weight of my decision hung over me like a shroud.

I woke up to the sound of rain tapping gently against my bedroom window. It had been two months since I last spoke to Damien, and even longer since I heard from Killan. The silence had been suffocating, leaving me feeling helpless and lost. But today, I decided to change that.

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