Chapter 10

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LUCA'S POV (Oldest Brother)

I arrived home in the dead of night, my body weary from a long and exhausting meeting. The house stood before me, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, a sanctuary from the chaos of the outside world. As I stepped out of my car, a sense of anticipation and unease washed over me, an instinctual awareness that something was amiss.

It was then that I noticed the two cars trailing behind me, their presence ominous and foreboding. Before I could fully comprehend the situation, chaos erupted. Gunshots pierced the air, and adrenaline surged through my veins, propelling me into a frantic struggle for survival. It felt like an eternity, dodging bullets and narrowly avoiding collisions, until finally, with a surge of determination, I managed to outmaneuver my pursuers and make it home.

Breathing heavily, my heart pounding in my chest, I rushed through the front door. The familiar hallways echoed with silence, and I instinctively made my way to my siblings' rooms, my mind consumed with worry for their safety. One by one, I checked on each of them, relief washing over me as I found them unharmed and sound asleep.

And then, I reached Harvey's room. My steps softened, and I approached her sleeping figure with a mixture of awe and regret. She had transformed so much since the shy, quiet toddler I once knew. I had missed so much, failed to understand her journey, her struggles. It was a regret that weighed heavily on my heart.

Leaning down, I pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, a silent gesture of love and protection. She stirred slightly, a faint smile gracing her lips, and in that moment, I vowed to be better, to bridge the gap that had grown between us.

Retreating to my own room, I washed away the remnants of the night's ordeal, stripping down to gray sweatpants that felt comforting and familiar. I settled onto my bed, ready to immerse myself in work, to drown out the thoughts that threatened to consume me.

But just as I was about to open my laptop, a soft knock sounded at my door. Surprised, I opened it, finding my youngest brother, Adrien, standing there with a blanket and two pillows clutched tightly in his arms. Adrien had become somewhat of a rebel lately, drifting away from us, but now he stood before me, a silent plea in his eyes.

I welcomed him into my room, and he climbed into my bed, arranging the pillows and pulling the blanket over himself. I settled beside him, curious and concerned. "What's going on, Adrien?" I asked gently, hoping to uncover the reason behind his unexpected presence.

He shrugged, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. "Just needed somewhere to be," he muttered softly, his voice tinged with vulnerability.

My heart ached at the sight of the claw marks etched on his forearms, evidence of his inner turmoil. Anger and protectiveness surged within me, and I couldn't help but press further. "What happened to your arms, Adrien? You know you can talk to me."

Adrien's defenses rose, his expression guarded. "It's nothing, Luca. Just leave it."

I sighed, realizing that pushing him further would only push him away. Sometimes, silence was the only refuge someone sought. Instead, I chose to wrap my arm around him, pulling him closer in a wordless embrace. In the comforting darkness of my room, we found solace, our shared presence a balm to our wounded souls.

As the night stretched on, sleep claimed us, the weight of the world momentarily lifted. In the safety of each other's arms, we found fleeting respite, a bond forged in the face of adversity.

I groggily opened my eyes to the persistent prodding, my mind still clouded with remnants of sleep. The room slowly came into focus, and there stood Olivia, her expression a mix of shock, disbelief, and something far more troubling. Confusion gnawed at me as she began to unleash a torrent of incoherent words.

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