Chapter Twenty-four

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"Delilah, can I talk to you for a second?" Jaccob asked me as he inserted the pan of brownie batter into the oven.

I glanced up from the spoon I was focused on licking to meet his gaze. "Yeah, of course. What's up?" I asked him.

He sighed as he leaned his hip against the counter, arms crossed, and looking defeated. "It's about Svech," he said, and immediately I got a sour feeling in my stomach.

It's been a few weeks since Andrei and I celebrated one year of officially being together. Though obviously Jaccob didn't care to see us together even after a year, he obviously showed gratitude for his sister and his teammate being together for a year with little to no arguments and disagreements.

Jaccob lowered his head after he saw my defeated face behind the orange spoon covered in brownie batter and chocolate. "He wants to talk to you. Not sure when, but I think he said he prefers it if it happened tonight. He's been wanting to talk to you ever since you guys went out to dinner for your one year anniversary," he said as he raised his head to look into my eyes again.

I looked at him in a mixture of confusion and anger. If Andrei wanted to talk to me, he would've texted me, not my brother. Especially since Andrei has been horrible at communication lately, ever since our one year celebration together.

"Did it sound like he wanted to..." my voice trailed off, because I didn't want to get into any bold conclusions with little to nothing to go off of. Especially since I've done so much for him and he's done so much for me.

Jaccob sighed. "I honestly don't know," he responded. "All I know is Andrei wants to talk to you,"

I frowned.

"If Andrei wanted to talk to me, he would've sent me a message and not his girlfriend's brother," I snapped.

He blinked, looking at me in confusion. "He said he did," he said, pointing at my phone that was next to me on the glass table.

Staring into Jaccob's assuring eyes, I sighed and picked my phone up and when the screen lit up, I noticed a message that was sent ten minutes ago from Andrei.

Hey любовь, I hope you're having a great day with your brother so far. Leah and I miss you at home, and we hope you'll bring home some brownies.

Anyways, I've been wanting to talk to you about something important ever since you and I celebrated the day that marked us being officially together for a year. Perhaps, maybe when you get home? I want to take you downtown so we could talk about it in peace.

Don't get scared, detka. It's not what you think. I promise.

Just, get back to me whenever you can? Спасибо. :)


While reading the message over and over again, I wasn't exactly sure what to think. The chances of him breaking up with me was slim after I had read his message, but why did he have to message Jaccob about it? That was the thing about this whole ordeal that was confusing me and making me slightly irritated.

"Jaccob, what does this mean?" I asked him, but obviously he didn't know the answer to what Andrei wanted.

He sighed as he shrugged. "I don't know, D. I really hope he doesn't want to break up with you. That would be a real shitty thing for him to do, considering you guys nearly had a kid together and you guys have a puppy you two are taking care of," he responded. "Just don't jump into the worst conclusions right away, okay?"

I frowned as I looked at the gray bubble encompassing the text Andrei had sent me. I glanced back up at Jaccob.

"It just,"

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