Chapter Fourteen

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It's been a few weeks since the little vacation to Southern Shores, and now we are in the wonderful month of December!

However, for these past few weeks I have been dealing with serious pain and I've felt the worst since I contracted the flu earlier this year. That was when cases in Colorado were spiking along with the COVID-19 virus, and I was unlucky enough to contract the flu.

I checked the side effects to my birth control, which help me regulate my irregular periods to see if the pills were no longer cooperating with my body, but none of the side effects showed nausea or excessive urinating.

After checking through my period cycle from the past few months, it appeared to be that I missed my November and December cycles. Which hasn't happened since I first took birth control since my body was adjusting to the new hormones.

Concerned, I called the doctor's office, hopefully getting some answers as to why my birth control magically stopped working for the past two months.

"Hello, UNC Health Obstetrics and Gynecology department, how may we help you?" the receptionist answered.

"Hey, this is Delilah Slavin calling regarding some symptoms I've been having with my birth control, uh, norethisterone," I said, looking at the open package I had in my hand.

"Okay, Delilah, what is your birthday?" the receptionist asked.

I gulped. "Uh, January 19th, 2001," I answered.

"Okay, and what seems to be bothering you about the contraception you're taking?"

"Well, I've missed two periods in the past two months, something I haven't had since I started taking this earlier this year because my body was trying to adjust to it. I'm also having nausea and vomiting and excessive urination," I responded, trying my best to fight against the tightening lump in my throat.

"Okay, and do you use the contraception to regulate your periods, or do you use it to prevent any pregnancies, or both?"

"I use it to regulate my periods, but then I got a boyfriend, so, possibly both?" I answered with a non confident tone.

I heard a couple of computer keyboard buttons click in the background. "And have you been sexually active with your boyfriend or any other man at all?"

"Yes, I have. With my boyfriend, that's it," I told her.

"Have you taken an at-home pregnancy test before calling?"

"Well, no, I thought maybe it was just a problem with the birth control," I responded, trying to fight back tears.

The receptionist sighed. "Are you having any other symptoms?" she asked.

"Well, I've also had headaches and muscle pains that have been easily treated by Tylenol or ibuprofen," I told her.

"Alright, Delilah. If it's alright with you, I want you to take an at-home pregnancy test if you are able, and if it comes out as positive, then feel free to call back. I'll be here for the next few hours," she responded.

I sighed, my breath shaking as I nodded my head. "Okay, sorry for wasting your time," I said.

"No, don't be sorry. Just take a pregnancy test and depending on if it's positive or not, we'll figure out the next steps," she said. "Thank you for calling,"

"Yeah, yeah. No problem, Thank you," I said, then I hung up.

I set the phone on the counter next to me, then I stared at the floor contemplating.

I had actually bought two pregnancy tests from two different brands so I gave each one a fair chance to see whether or not I was actually pregnant, but I felt confident that it was just my birth control.

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