the heart thief - |35|

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The crisp, autumn air wrapped around me as I sat alone at the café, sipping my coffee and watching the world go by. The leaves had painted the city in shades of red and gold, and the sun's golden rays filtered through, casting a glow on the cobblestone street.

I was lost in my thoughts when I felt a familiar presence behind me. A warm hand gently rested on my shoulder, and I turned to find a gorgeous man standing there, a slow, sweet smile spreading over his face.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked, his voice a soft melody in the breeze.

My lips curled into a teasing smile as I let my eyes roam over him shamelessly. "Sure," I replied, feeling a flutter in my heart. Even after all this time, his presence had the uncanny ability to make my heart race.

He smoothly took a seat beside me, his eyes curious. "Are you waiting for someone?"

I raised an eyebrow, amused by his approach. "You could say that."

Roman leaned in, his voice playful. "You know, there's a myth that if you wait for someone, you're fated to a life of waiting. I didn't want to subject you to that fate, so I came to keep you company."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "I've never heard of your myth before."

He leaned back, his expression smug. "You haven't? You must be glad that you met me. Stick with me, and there are a lot of things I could save you from."

I raised an eyebrow, feigning curiosity. "So, you just go out and look for a damsel in distress? Do you have a savior complex?"

Roman's confident grin never wavered, and his eyes held mine with an intensity that sent a thrill through me. "I don't know a thing about saving, but I know a hell of a lot about being saved."

Savouring the taste of my coffee slowly, I maintained our locked gaze. "Well," I pondered playfully, "I suppose I'm open to being saved if the right person comes along."

His smile softened, his eyes tracing the curve of my lips. "Lucky for you," he responded, his voice filled with humuor, "I happen to enjoy doing a lot of things, so I wouldn't mind being in the business of saving damsels from a life of solitude."

Laughter spilled from my lips, the sound mingling with the chatter of the café around us. "Is that so?"

He nodded. "Absolutely. Life's too short for solitude."

With a playful twinkle in my eye, I leaned in closer, mischief dancing in my words. "So, what's your grand plan for saving damsels today?"

Roman mirrored my closeness, his voice a soft, intimate whisper. "Well, today, I thought I'd start by stealing a few moments of your time to make you smile."

I played along, pretending to contemplate his proposal. "And you think you're the right person for that?"

"What does the right person look like?" he countered.

I feigned deep thought, a finger resting on my chin. "They might have a certain charm, a knack for making me laugh, and an ability to steal my breath away."

Drawing even closer, his voice became a seductive murmur. "And what if I told you that I might know someone who fits that description?"

Mocking hesitation, I replied, "I don't know if I should gamble away my life on you. Words are sweet, but they could also last for a moment."

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