the heart thief - |27|

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           I sat at my kitchen table, fork in hand, twirling noodles around as the light filtered through the window. I was back at my apartment after New Years. Roman wanted me to stay with them longer, but I couldn't do it. It wasn't the right time to continue living with someone I was hooking up with.

           I was eating when I got a text from Alex to check my email. My heart seemed to drum faster as I opened my laptop, my fingers jittery with anticipation. My cursor hovered over the email, my breath caught in my throat. With a deep breath, I clicked, my eyes racing across the words that greeted me.

           Dear Ms. Jensen,
           We are pleased to inform you that...

            Time seemed to stand still as I read those words over and over again. And then, as if the weight of the moment suddenly hit me, a scream burst forth from my lips, echoing off the kitchen walls. A smile erupted across my face, the words registering in my mind. I had done it. I got the promotion. I was the new Director of Development Project. What the fuck?

           The fork clattered onto the plate as I leaped from my chair, my heart pounding, and danced around the kitchen. I felt a rush of emotions – the relief from the weeks of preparation and the pride in my hard work paying off. I couldn't believe I beat Alex Gallagher. I couldn't believe I pulled it off.

           How? How did that happen?

           I grabbed my phone, wanting to share the news with Roman, but the call went straight to voicemail. Then I decided to call Isaac. As I dialed his number, my voice trembled with excitement as I shouted into the phone, "Guess who's the new Director of Development Project?!"

           The scream that echoed through the phone was music to my ears. "Mills, that's insane! I knew you had it in you! Congratulations!" I could almost picture the grin on his face.

          "When do you start? Monday?" Isaac asked, his voice practically buzzing with energy.

           "I'm not sure. I'm still so buzzed with energy that I can't think straight, omg!"

           "I feel you! Have you talked to Roman?"

           "The call went to voicemail, but I'm guessing he knows, like, it's hard not to know."

           "So, when do we celebrate?" he asked, his voice full of anticipation. "Tonight? Don't say no. We deserve to go out, get drunk and fuck around."

           I laughed. "That sounds perfect. It's on me," I said, unable to hide the thrill in my tone.

           After we hung up, I leaned back against the kitchen counter, still smiling from ear to ear. I called my parents and told them the news. Dad was happy for me, and mum, like always, was worried more about the workload affecting my personal life and future. Though the words always seemed to annoy me, it didn't this time because I knew I had a new job and I was finally out of the clutches of Gavin. And I knew I had Roman, who was my present.

           The next morning, I walked into the office, my mind already buzzing. I barely noticed Alex standing by the elevator until he stepped forward, holding out a bouquet of flowers. My surprise was evident as I glanced from the flowers to him.

           "Congratulations, Millie, you've earned this."

           His admission caught me off guard once again, but I appreciated the sincerity in his words. I accepted the flowers. "Thank you. These are beautiful." As I accepted them, my attention was abruptly diverted when I noticed Roman standing nearby. His presence caught me off guard, and I could sense a shift in the atmosphere as his gaze locked onto the flowers and then flicked to Alex.

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